Page 44 of Burn

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I hang up the phone and yank open the door, ignoring the fact I’m in an oversized t-shirt and a pair of panties. “Why are you here?”

“I brought coffee,” Sawyer grins, pushing the cup of java toward me before entering the room, and Asher follows.

“Puppies?” I ask, hopeful, looking out into the hall, my hope instantly disappearing when there’s no Shadow and they both laugh at me.

“Dog’s aren’t allowed in the dorms,” Asher explains and I pout.

“But puppies,” I grumble before Sawyer shakes the cup of coffee at me again, stealing my attention as I close the door.

“We’ll sneak him over at some point,” he says with a wink. “Anywayyyyyy, I wanted, sorry,wewanted to spend the day with you. To hang out. To kind of apologize for last night, but mostly, I wanted to see your cheery face.”

“At least you brought coffee,” I say, taking the cup and padding back to my bed. “So why, exactly, did you want to come so early?”

“This isn’t early,” Asher says with a smile. “We’ve already been up with Cole for over an hour, and finished our morning workout.”

“You guys are insane.” I take a sip of the coffee, kind of amazed that he got my order right. I glance up and see his wide smile, and I hate it just a little that it makes me smile back. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he nods, winking at Asher. “Totally out here racking up these points, bro. Best catch up, otherwise the girl is mine. Unless you want to play sharesies.” He wags his brows and I ignore his ridiculousness, because there’s no way I’m walking into that conversation.

“So are you going to tell me what the plan is?” I ask with a yawn, stretching out before realizing they’re both staring at the spot where my t-shirt rode up. “My eyes are up here.”

“Oh, we know,” Sawyer teases. “But as for the plan, you need a bikini and not much else.”

I roll my eyes and turn my focus to Asher. “What’s the real plan?”

“We thought we’d take you out on the boat.”

“Of course you have a freaking boat,” I mutter. “Fine. I like the water, I prefer horses, but I like the water. I can deal with a boat day.” I shrug, trying to embrace the fact that I’m surrounded by wealthy people these days.

I can honestly say I’ve never just had a weekend surprise of ‘oh yeah, let’s hang out on the boat’ before. “Give me twenty to look somewhat presentable,” I say with another yawn. “I might need more coffee though.”

“Coffee can be provided,” Asher says with a smile as Sawyer gets up and opens my closet.

“Come on, Sunshine, let's do this. Where are the bikinis at?”

I laugh and shake my head. “I don’t own a bikini, Sawyer.”

“Well, that’s going to change. Get dressed.” He playfully slaps my ass and I scowl at him when I spill my coffee, but he’s too excited to take me seriously. “Vamanos!”

“Tell me to hurry one more time…” I threaten, idly, and his grin turns to a smirk.

“Oh, Sunshine… this is going to be too much fun.”

* * *

After a trip shopping for a freaking bikini—or six because Sawyer refused to pick just one after making me try them all on—we finally pull into the marina. I thought Asher might level out Sawyer’s playfulness, but it turns out they’re a whole sunshine and grumpy trope all on their own.

The book nerd in me can’t help but smirk at the thought, but neither of them questions the rare smile on my face.

Asher pulls the car into a spot, and we climb out into the sunshine.

This place is almost obscene. I don’t even want to think about the sheer amount of money that's moored up here.

“Brunch before we head out?” Asher suggests, and I swear my stomach rumbles in response. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

I’m of two minds, because I’m ridiculously curious about their boat, especially now that I’m looking around and there isn’t anything smaller than a freaking yacht here. But I’m also literally starving to death.

“Yes! Let us feed you. I didn’t warn the crew to prep for food,” Sawyer says with a wince. “My bad.”
