Page 54 of Burn

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“I guess we can tell you,” Sawyer murmurs as he hugs me from behind, nuzzling into my neck, and laughs when my stomach growls so loudly that heat spills across my chest. “But first, let's feed you.”

We head out to Asher’s car, and I spot Penn walking back to the dorm on the way. I wave her over, and she eyes us with that curious smile she gets whenever I’m with the two of them. “Where you three heading to, looking all happy and shit?”

“Food,” I say with a grin. “Way to any girl's heart.”

“Same, I’m thinking ramen or sushi.”

“Ooooo ramen,” I sigh dreamily. “There was a place in the city that did thebestTonkotsu. I miss that shit.”

“You want ramen?” Asher asks as he unlocks the car. “I know a place.”

“Of course you do.” I smirk. “Want to join us?” I ask Penn, but she shakes her head.

“Oh no, you enjoy your little threesome. I’m meeting up with Connor anyway. I’ll see you later?” She looks at Sawyer with a coy smile before turning back to me.


“Yeah, I’ll see you later.” I wave as she heads back toward the dorm, before sliding into the front seat as Asher opens the door for me. “So where is this place you know, and do they have Tonkotsu?”

“You’ll see,” he says with a wink, shutting the door while Sawyer jumps in the back of the car. I turn to ask him the same question but he does that whole zip lip, throw away the key bullshit and so I turn back around in my seat and call on the well of patience that I absolutely don’t have.

I mess with the radio until I find a station that has Carrie Underwood playing—because while I love pop punk, country is the second love of my life—and enjoy how much neither of them likes my song choice but don’t say a goddamn word.

We’ve been driving for roughly half an hour when we pull up at what I’d call a mega mansion, and with a click of a button, the gates swing open. “Erm, Asher, where the hell are we?”

Sawyer bounces forward from the back seat, and grins at me. “Welcome to Casa St. Vincent, Sunshine. Where Red, our chef, makes the best, most authentic ramen you’ve ever tasted in your life. We spent two years in Japan and he came back with us, bringing all of his family recipes.” He does the chef’s kiss thing as Asher pulls the car up to the house and my stomach flip flops like I’m on a rollercoaster.

This is soooo not okay.

Are their parents here?

We are definitely not even close to meet the parents. Hell, I barely even really know them, which I’m aware is something I should probably work on if I’m fucking Sawyer—fucking both of them, I’m a little unsure how this is going to work—but holy crap.

“Calm, Briar,” Asher says, squeezing my thigh. “Our parents aren’t here, they’re in the city visiting our little sister. She started at Juilliard this year and our budding ballerina has a show tonight.

I let out a sigh, but the tightening of my chest doesn’t quite release. “Warn a girl next time.”

“So you’ll come back then?” Sawyer asks with a cheesy grin.

I shake my head as I unbuckle myself. “No questions when I’m hungry, it’s against the rules.”

“You heard the lady,”Asher says with a grin, hopping out of the car. He rushes around and opens my door before I get a chance to and helps me out. “Let's eat!”

* * *

I pull up at the spa hotel and look up at it in awe. “I still can’t believe the twins got you a spa weekend.” Penn sighs.

“Got us a spa weekend,” I correct her. “You might have forgotten, but you’re here with me.”

She rolls her eyes at me and I laugh softly. “They got it foryou.Just because. I mean, I know money isn’t really a thing to them, they’re not Kensington rich, but they’re still St.Vincents, but still. They paid for me because they knew you wouldn’t come alone.”

“So when did they ask you to come with me?” I ask her, curious.

She bats her lashes at me and grins. “A week ago, after your little boat outing with Sawyer. Asher came to see me, they said they wanted to do something nice for you and would I be up for riding along.”

“So you didn’t help them?”

“Nope,” she says with a grin. “Not even a little, I just got told to keep your weekend open and to pack bags.”

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