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An older guy with graying hair appears at the door of the car and opens it. “Miss Kensington, welcome to Waldorf Spa. We’ve been expecting you.”

Shock floods me, but he offers me a hand as Penn’s door opens and someone helps her out of the car too.

“If you’ll follow me, someone will get your bags,” the gray-haired man says as he leads me inside to the biggest foyer I’ve seen in my life. There’s marble everywhere, and I’m sure the temperature just dropped a dozen degrees.

Freaking rich people, man.

“Holy shit, this place looks like something out of a movie,” Penn whisper-shouts when the doorman leaves us at the check-in desk.

She’s not wrong though. My skin is crawling with the outright show of wealth. This was definitely a nice gesture by the boys, but this really isn’t my scene. And I’m guessing I’m not doing the best at hiding it because Penn starts laughing at me.

“Girl, you should see your face. You look like you want to get all Wile E. Coyote on this place and run the hell away.”

I shrug, because, yep, I absolutely do. But I also don’t want the guys to think I don’t appreciate their gesture.

Even if I still don’t know the whys of it all. I hate that I’m so distrusting, but I’ve learned that it's rare for people to do things just out of the kindness of their heart. So I can’t help but feel a little… off about this whole trip.

“Stop overthinking it. They’re just being nice. This is how rich boyfriends are nice.”

“They’re not my boyfriends,” I respond, rolling my eyes.

“Miss Kensington?” A woman appears behind the check in desk, calling my name, “My name is Marie, I’ll be looking after you during your stay. Mr. St. Vincent has requested we take care of your every need.”

“It’s Miss Moore,” I correct her, and her response is no more than a tight smile. I amsonot using the Kensington name.

“Of course, Miss Moore,” she responds, though it definitely seems like more of a sneer. “You’re staying in our presidential suite. An in-room massage has been arranged for yourself and your guest, and then someone will show you the rest of the facilities. Your bags have already been taken up to your suite.”

Her snootiness is all kinds of obscene, but I paste a fake smile on and tell myself I can fake it till I make it. Even if just so as not to offend the boys.

Though I’m still suspicious about why they gifted me this weekend.

Penn opens her mouth to say God only knows what, so I loop my arm through hers and drag her toward the elevators on the far side of the lobby.

“That stuck up—”

“Oh I know, Penn. But you’re supposed to be used to the rich bitch parade. I’m meant to be the hotheaded poor bitch.”

“Says the new Kensington dating the St. Vincents,” she snarks, rolling her eyes. “I know, I know, but still. You know I don’t hold it against you really, bitches like that just get on my last nerve.”

“Well,” I start, with a wry grin. “Take solace in the fact that she’sourbitch this weekend.”

Penn barks out a laugh and pushes the button to call the elevator. “I am going to make her hate us before the weekend is over.”

I cackle with her as we enter the car.

I might not trust the whys of this weekend, but maybe I can learn to enjoy it. Just this once.


“You have got to be kidding me,” I scream into my pillow after checking my phone. There was me, thinking that maybe it was actually getting better. That this new life of mine, despite its few bumps, would be survivable for the three years I’ve crammed getting my associate and bachelor’s into.

Sure, I have a douchebag professor this semester, but that's just one two of like nine classes, and sure Travis is a giant prick, but I can avoid him for the most part.

At least Iwould, if my mom would stop arranging these ridiculous sham family dinners like the one she just texted me about.

“You okay?” Penn asks as she pokes her head out of the closet she’s been sitting in for the last thirty minutes, pretending like she isn’t having a panic attack after Connor texting her last night saying they needed to talk.

Things had gone so well after our weekend away. That was two weeks ago, and I’ve managed to avoid Travis since. Asher and Sawyer have been nothing but adorable, and neither of them has pressured me to do anything but chill with them and the puppy squad which isn’t exactly a hardship. Unsurprisingly, Cole has stayed MIA along with Travis.
