Page 20 of Extra Thick

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“Thanks, Cory.” I drizzle syrup over the waffle, then cut off a corner and shove it in my mouth. A bacon waffle might not make all of my problems magically go away, but it does temporarily make me feel better.

“Oh, shit,” Cory says, sucking in a breath as he gestures to my shirt.

I look down and see a drop of syrup staining my boobs.

“Wonderful,” I mutter.

“Water will get it out, right?” he says, grabbing a napkin and dipping it in his glass. “Here, try to—”

I rub the damp napkin across the stain, but all it does is smear the stickiness.

“Fuck,” Cory says. “I’m so sorry, Sasha.”

“It’s not your fault. Seriously, it’s fine. I’ll just run home real quick and change.”

Fifteen minutes later, I’m climbing the last few steps up to my apartment, my heart already fluttering as I mentally rehearse what I’m going to say to Alden. We’ll sit down tonight and have a longer conversation about it, but at the very least I need to use this opportunity to tell him that I want to be with him and if the only way for that to happen is for me to go with him, I’ll go with him.

“Heya,” I call out, pushing open my apartment door. “I’ve only got a few minutes, but—”

The empty silence of my apartment feels like a slap across my face.

Alden is gone.



Spending the whole day putting miles on my truck isn’t my idea of fun, but sometimes this kind of thing is necessary. I’m still behind the wheel of my truck when the sun goes down, and the sky is full-on inky black by the time I arrive at my second-to-last stop of the day.

After parking, I just sit there for a while, wondering if I should wait longer before walking over. It would be safer that way. But I don’t have the patience to sit here in my truck waiting for the fucking clock to turn.

I get out of my truck, run a hand through my hair, and start to walk over.

The moment I round the corner, I see the lights glowing out the gallery’s windows. I see Kristina standing just inside the building, shaking hands with an older couple. She opens the door for them a second later, and they step out, both looking happy.

As I’m about to pass them on the sidewalk, they notice me, then glance at each other.

“Evening,” I say.

They echo my greeting, and keep walking. I step up to the gallery door just as it’s about to close and pull it open again.

“Welcome in—” Kristina starts, then halts when she sees it’s me. A surprised smile softens her expression. “Alden! Hello!”

For a moment, I take in the gallery. It’s been so many years since I’ve seen my paintings displayed on the walls like this. So many years since I’ve seen a roomful of people who have all shown up just to see my work. I’d have to be a fool to not feel at least a little affected by it.

“I’m not here,” I say to Kristina.

She looks puzzled for a half-second, then nods. “Right. Understood.”

“The show going okay?” I ask.

“Fantastic,” says Kristina, sounding pleased. “Every single piece has already sold.”

A gasp sounds from nearby, and suddenly Sasha is rushing toward me, breaking away from Cory as the two of them emerge from behind a group of gallery visitors. My heart jackhammers as she leaps up and flings her arms around me.

“You’re here,” she breathes. “You’rehere.”

I wrap my arms around her, close my eyes, breathe in the sweet scent of my woman. “I am. Only for you, though. No one else.”
