Page 21 of Extra Thick

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Sasha nods against my chest. Then she quickly pulls away from me, her cheeks bright pink as she looks sheepishly over at her boss.

“Kristina, I, um—Alden and I—”

Kristina raises an eyebrow. “Yes?”

Behind Kristina, Cory covers his huge smile with a hand.

“We’re together,” I say.

Kristina looks from Sasha to me and then back to Sasha. Shaking her head, she says, “I’m not even going to ask.”

Sasha swallows. “Are you upset, Kristina?”

“No,” says Kristina, giving a little laugh. “But just be glad that tonight’s show has gone as well as it has.”

As Kristina turns away to give us a moment, Sasha beams up at me, her eyes glimmering. In the dark green dress she’s got on, she looks stunning. I can’t wait to get her back to her apartment, rip that dress off her, and get my mouth between her thighs.

“I thought you left,” she says quietly, relief flooding her face. “I had to stop by my apartment this afternoon, and you weren’t there, and I thought—”

“I’ll show you why tomorrow.”

She lets out an adorable little scoff. “Tomorrow?”

“It’ll be worth the wait.”

“Yeah? What are we going to do in the meantime?”

“I think you already know, angel.”

Sasha’s cheeks turn a deeper shade of rosy pink.

“Kristina?” I call out, not pulling my gaze from Sasha.

“Yes?” Kristina answers.

“Sasha’s taking the day off tomorrow.”

“Oh—I—all right. That’s fine.”

“Goodnight, Kristina.”

And with that, I scoop Sasha up into my arms, and carry her gorgeous laughing self out of there.

* * *

Twelve hours, one sunrise, several glorious rounds of sex, and a hell of a good night’s sleep later, Sasha is back in the passenger seat of my truck and I’m driving her outside of the city limits for the day. I still haven’t told her where I’m taking her, but she trusts me, and she knows she’ll find out soon enough.

Last night, when we were catching our breath between rounds, Sasha told me that she’s willing to move up to the mountain to be with me. God, it was so touching to hear her say that. But I’d already made up my mind by then that it wasn’t the right thing for us. She’d have to give up too much. I couldn’t live with myself if I forced her to make that kind of sacrifice.

“I have something else in mind,” I’d told her. “I’ll explain everything tomorrow. Okay, angel?”

She’d smiled and nodded. Straddled me. Guided my cock back between those gorgeous thick thighs of hers and into her velvety hot cunt. For the rest of the night, the only words that came out of either of our mouths were filthy ones.

Now, with one hand steady on the steering wheel of my truck, I glance over at my woman and feel my old heart banging away. She’s got on the prettiest little sundress today, one that shows off her curvy legs and her sandaled feet. Her fingers are twirling nervously in her auburn hair, her eyes peering with wonder out the passenger window at the rural countryside we’re now in.

“How much further?” Sasha asks, turning to smile at me.

“Not far,” I tell her. “This is our exit up ahead.”
