Page 22 of Extra Thick

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I take the exit, then a right onto a county road. Another fifteen miles brings us to our last turn. As the tires of my truck roll over the long gravel driveway, Sasha leans forward in her seat, straining for a better view of the farmhouse we’re driving up to.

I see her bite back a smile when she sees theFor Salesign staked out front, but she doesn’t say anything yet.

I park the truck out front, hop out, and go around to Sasha’s side to open her door for her. She inhales a little gasp as she looks up at the house. It’s a beautiful old home, freshly painted, a wraparound porch beckoning us toward the pale yellow front door.

I punch the code into the lock box hanging from the door knob, grab the key, and unlock the house for us.

“Oh, gosh,” Sasha murmurs as she steps inside. I follow her, watching her reaction, loving how amazed she looks. When she spins around to face me, her brows are knitted together in disbelief. “Alden, is this…”

“It could be,” I say. “If we want it, it’s ours.”

“You’d really be okay living here?”

“I mean, I’d plant some trees out front. But yeah. I like this place.” I give her a serious look. “That was about an hour’s drive from the city. Is it too far for you?”

Sasha thinks about it for a second, then shakes her head. “No. It’s fine. I might even be able to talk to Kristina about working from home a few days a week. It’s not like I have to be in the gallery all the time. Maybe two days a week I could—” She cuts herself off, smiling sheepishly. “I’m getting ahead of myself. That can be figured out later.”

I nod.

“Alden, are we seriously going to move into this house together?”

I look around at the home we’re standing in. It feels good here. It feels like a place we could live as man and wife. A place where we could raise a family. But it’s not the only place where all of that could unfold.

“Maybe not,” I murmur. “Come on. Get that gorgeous ass of yours back in the truck. I have more to show you.”

Sasha looks at me like I’m crazy. And maybe I am. But right now, I could care less. The only thing I care about is finding us the perfect place to live out the rest of our lives together.

The next house I take her to is further north, but not as far from the highway, so it would be more or less the same length of commute for Sasha. It’s in a more wooded area, and there’s a lake not too far away. Sasha looks just as giddy as we let ourselves into the home. It’s easy for me to imagine us living here, too.

“There’s one more,” I tell her as we’re standing out on the back deck.

Sasha shakes her head. “I can’t believe you arranged all of this, Alden. This is what you were doing yesterday? Finding us these houses?”

I nod and steer her back to the truck. “Yep. I found a realtor who was willing to work with me last minute. I must’ve looked at twenty houses yesterday. But these were the three that I could actually picture us in.”

“Well, it’s the sweetest thing ever.” Sasha stops and pulls me to her for a kiss. “I had no idea you were such a romantic.”

“It’s not too over the top?” I murmur against her lips.

“Of course it’s over the top.” She drags her fingers slowly through my hair. “It’s ridiculously over the top. But I love it.”

I kiss her again. Taste those lush lips. Think about all the things I’m going to give this woman in the years to come.

“I love you, Sasha,” I say. “Every minute I spend with you makes me fall harder in love. I’ve been obsessed with you since you showed up on my front porch, and I’ll be obsessed with you for the rest of my life. I don’t care that I only met you a few days ago. When it’s real, it’s real. You’re my person. My other half. My everything.”

Sasha’s eyes are wet with tears by the time I finish pouring my heart out to her, and when she blinks, they spill onto her cheeks.

“God,” she says, laughing as she swipes away her tears. “You really know how to make a girl cry.”

“Marry me, Sasha. Tell me you’ll be with me forever.”

Sasha nods, and then keeps nodding. “Yes.Yes. I love you, Alden. I’m yours. Forever.”



