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“Are you serious?”

He shakes his head yes, waiting for my answer.

“I love it, Dima,” I squeal, throwing myself in his arms as best I can with a pregnant belly and still sitting in the car.

He laughs and wraps his strong arms around me. “I am glad to hear that. Would have been big pain in ass to sell.”

I let out an excited squeal, already opening the car door and scrambling out. “Let’s go inside. I want to see it!”

I hear his footsteps behind me, laughing as I stop to examine everything and ooh and aah over how damn cute the place is. He unlocks the door, but before I can run in, he picks me up and carries me over the threshold. Instead of putting me down, he keeps walking through the living room.

“Hey, I want to see everything,” I laugh, trying to look around and take it all in. “You bought furniture?”

“Some, just enough to get us started. We can pick out rest together.”

“Are you going to let me down so I can see?”

He looks down and gives me a wink. “No. We leave for honeymoon tomorrow morning. No time to waste.”

He brings us to the master bedroom, but before carrying me in, he stops and opens the bedroom door across from ours. His blue eyes soften when he looks down at me. “If you do not like, we can change.” He gives me a sheepish smile. I never thought I’d see my tough, alpha husband look so unsure of himself. “I got a little carried away.”

He sets me down, and I let out a gasp. “Oh, Dima,” I say, looking at the nursery. My eyes water as I look around, taking it all in. He’s painted the walls a soft blue and added cute framed pictures of little animals and several photos of the two of us so our son will always be surrounded by the parents who love him so much. There’s a crib and a rocking chair, and he’s even added a changing table. There’s more stuffed animals than any baby could possibly need, but it makes the room look so cute and inviting.

By the time I turn to him, I’m crying and more happy than I ever thought possible. “I love it so much,” I say, giving a shaky laugh at how emotional I am.

He lets out a relieved sigh and gives me a big grin. “Good. Would have been pain in ass to change this, too.”

I laugh but then let out another squeal when I recognize my old, stuffed rabbit propped up in the crib.

“How did you get this?” I ask, picking up Mr. Carrots and running my fingers over the battered, much-loved bunny.

“Your mom and dad have been helping me.” He holds a hand out to the wall and grins. “Your dad and I tolerated each other for an entire day while we painted this room.”

I laugh as he pulls me close, cupping my face and tilting it up so he can see me. In Russian, he says, “I love you, Gina. You have made me the happiest man in the world.”

I smile and tell him I love him, too. My Russian is a work in progress, but we both want our son to be bilingual, and it’s important to me to learn Dima’s language. Plus, I’m tired of not understanding all the guys when we’re at the Red Wolf or the Arctic Fox.

He smiles proudly at me, and it’s ridiculous how happy it makes me. “You will be fluent in no time. But no more talking now, I want to take my wife to bed.”

Without another word, he scoops me up and carries me to our new king-size bed that’s already made and waiting for us. He sets me down carefully on the edge and steps back to take off his tux while he watches me. Ever since we found out I’m pregnant, he’s been so gentle with me. I have to remind him I’m not going to break and that women have been doing this since the beginning of time, but I have to admit that it’s cute as hell to see someone as large and powerful as Dima getting freaked out if I try to carry a bag of groceries or vacuum the floor.

I suck in a breath when the last piece of clothing falls to the floor and he’s naked before me. He hasn’t been in a fight since the one with Liam, but he hasn’t lost an ounce of muscle. He’s still just as hard and cut as the first time I saw him. I’ve memorized every line, every groove and peak, of his body. It’s as familiar to me as my own.

He steps closer and carefully unzips my dress, pulling it off and leaving me in nothing but the white lingerie I picked out just for today. It’s hard to find something sexy for a pregnant woman, but judging by the heat in Dima’s blue eyes, I did pretty good. At first I was self-conscious about my added weight and changing body, but Dima’s made it very obvious that he loves every single part of me, no matter how it changes over time.

He kneels down in front of me, placing his hands on my belly and leaning closer to kiss along my skin. I run my hands over his buzzed head and strong shoulders, offering zero resistance when he scoots me further on the bed and relieves me of my lacy, white bra and panties, keeping the garter and thigh highs on.

It’s not so comfortable for me to lay flat on my back anymore, so I get on my side, sighing when I feel him press his powerful body against the back of mine. Tilting my head, I pull him closer and kiss him as he slides into me. His tongue dances along mine while his fingers tease me with featherlight strokes along my skin, caressing my overly sensitive breasts, lightly pinching my hard nipples, before sliding along my belly and hips. He keeps fucking me in that same excruciatingly slow pace that’s slowly driving me insane with need. By the time he presses his fingers against my swollen clit, I’m so close to the edge it only takes a couple of well-placed strokes before he’s swallowing my screams.

This is home, I think as I’m consumed and blinded by pleasure. Dima pressed up against me, inside me, all around me—this is what it means to come home.

My husband.

My family.

My everything.

I stay locked in his embrace, rocking my hips against him as he finds his own release. He stays buried inside me with one arm draped over me, his hand resting on my belly, the side of his face pressed to mine. I feel him smile when our son gives a powerful kick. I snuggle in closer, knowing this is just the beginning of our lives together, and I’m more than ready to enjoy every amazing second of it.
