Page 9 of Wyatt's Bride

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Fate seemed to be giving us every sign we were meant to be back together.

We decided to have the wedding on the mountain by the cabin. It was Nate’s favorite place and it made me feel closer to Dad.

Everything went perfectly and we were about to do our first dance as husband and wife when I felt a pain and something trickled down my legs.

“Um, Nate. I think I’m in labor.” I pulled on his arm.

“What? Now?” A panicked look flashed across his face. Nate was the coolest guy I knew and always great to have around in an emergency, but the thought of me going into labor and having this baby terrified him.

I nodded. “Yes, now. We have to get to the hospital.”

Thankfully my mother was calmer about it all and she took care of the guests while Nate whisked me off to the local hospital. He was great during labor and six hours later, our little girl made her way into the world. We named her Lily Elizabeth after our two grandmothers.

Later I was exhausted and he thought I was asleep but I was watching him with our baby girl. If I thought I loved him before, I fell even more in love with him that night. Nate held her in his arms and talked to her as he fed her a bottle, telling her about everything he was going to teach her and how he wasn’t going to let her date until she was forty.

I drifted off to sleep listening to him sing to her and coming to the realization that even though it was a tragedy that brought me home, this was where I belonged all along.
