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"No. Her phone is turned off."

"Damn, B. She calls Saxton before you and then turns her phone off? That's not good, Cuz."

"She obviously doesn't want me to know. I have to figure out why."

"She gonna get rid of it?"

My heart stops. That entire option is just now really sinking in. I was in too much shock before to really process my thoughts. "Can she do that without my consent?"

"Pretty sure she can, B. I’m not a law man or anything, but you know how bitches are with that whole 'It's my body' bullshit. We men have few rights there, brother, even though it takes your seed to get her that way. Like I said, it's bullshit for the men that care. Are you wanting to keep it?"

My hand anxiously rubs through my hair, disturbing it's clean state. I think back on my conversation with Dad and my shoulders fall. Only one thing crosses my mind: she kept me. "I don't think I could choose any other way."

"Well, then the odds are probably in your favor. If she just found out and wanted an abortion right this second, I'm pretty sure they make you wait twenty-four hours before they go through with it. I heard that somewhere. I think it was this guy I work with. He was scared his bitch would back out. He stayed drunk the entire time, until it was over. And it's the weekend. I don't think anything like that medically is open on the weekend, so get your ass here. You can get some sleep or drink your stress away so you're not an emotional psycho when you talk to her. I'm sure you've already sucked down a half a pack of cigarettes by now, because that's what I would do. Then, tomorrow the two of you can figure out how you want to handle it."

It's the start of a plan. I may not be able to do much of anything else right now, but that I can do. Joel's always been good with keeping my head on straight, regardless of how much he can also piss me off. But I guess that's how brothers are. And he's the closest thing I've got to one. "Okay," I breathe out. "I'll let you know my flight times. See you soon."

"I'll be waiting," he says, and we disconnect the call at the same time. I get in my truck and start the ignition. It all finally starts to settle, and suddenly the anger is what emerges as I light another cigarette, letting down my window. I'm fucking offended she wouldn't call me before calling him. This is our business. I thought she wanted to remain 'friends.' Friends discuss shit, even if it's bad shit. I don't think this conversation is much for a phone call anyway. Nope. I want to see her eyes when we discuss this. I'm going to show up at her fucking door and confront her, demand to know why she would leave me out of vital information I'm entitled to.

My heart slams against my chest with the thought of seeing her again.When the stress takes hold, touch me and remember.The words repeat in my mind like they have so many times glancing at the leather on my wrist. I clench onto the wheel as I speed down the highway. My Ty. The weeks of her trespassing into my dreams, consuming my thoughts, the memories assaulting me and keeping me from everything else, is about to come to a head the second she opens that door. She fucked with my head and I marked her body. For whatever fucking reason neither of us are ready to leave this alone. This is my proof.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Istick my spoon in the container, the metal hitting the cardboard. I glance in, realizing I've eaten the whole fucking pint of Ben & Jerry's I went out and bought this morning down the block when nothing else would stay down. My throat is raw, I'm hungry yet nauseous at the same time, and my nipples are on fire. I've been sitting on my couch watchingKnocked UpandWhat to Expect When You’re Expectingsince I got back to the apartment and tossed the lid on the bar, getting a spoon from the drawer. It just seemed appropriate with the way I feel. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," I mumble, suddenly feeling guilty for all the calories I just consumed.

I stand, walking to the kitchen, tossing the empty container in the garbage can, pacing as the spoon hits the sink. I never do this. I never binge eat. As a little girl I was chunky. When I started to fill out and boys caught my eye, I paid attention to the amount of food I put in my mouth, and the older I got the more I started working out when I went out for cheerleader. It's been an obsession since then. It’s about control. Now, knowing what I've done, I feel like Porky the pig.

I walk to my bedroom, changing into my workout pants and a tee shirt, pulling my sneakers on. My hair is already up. I grab my keys and Bluetooth ear buds, and also water from the fridge on the way to the door, before locking up and heading downstairs. One thing I love about my apartment complex is the gym for residents. It's nice. And it comes in handy on late nights when I want to go workout. It's usually easier than trying to go in the morning and still get ready. I will not start bad habits regardless of what I choose to do with this problem I've gotten myself into. I'm just going to have to work twice as hard to keep my body up, starting now.

* * *

I'm a sweaty mess,just as I am every time I run two miles on the treadmill. My legs feel like Jell-O from the five I added on the elliptical after to whip my ass in shape. I feel much better after working off the calories I just shoved down my throat with a silver spoon. That cannot happen again. A good diet has always been my goal, the occasional splurge one to two days a week at a chosen meal is my max.

I glance down to my phone as a text comes through. I've gotten a few since turning it back on to listen to music while I ran. This time it's Meg.

Meg:Dad is basically forcing me to go to this charity event the Yacht club is hosting next weekend. You know he loves to flaunt his social stigma to anyone important and it's not going to be much longer that we can enjoy the warm weather. Booze, rich men, and nice boats. It can't be that bad, right? How about you get that little bikini and your uppity hat ready and I'll get you a ticket. It'll be fun since your boy toy is gone. Please. :/ I need my bestie with me. You know I hate charity snobs.

I walk up the stairs, considering that image. Normally, I wouldn't think twice about accepting an offer such as that one. I enjoy those types of events more than Meg. It's always baffled me how she ended up in such a rich family as shy as she is when it comes to mingling with the hot, controlling rich men itching to toss money at something. Her dad is always throwing her into events they are crawling at, waiting for her to take her place as a trophy wife just like her mother.

But the image of me talking to some handsome man wondering why I don't have a drink in hand and then having to pause mid-conversation to throw up overboard dances through my mind. I want to cry again. This is fucking up everything, including my friendships. I reply.

Me:Hey lover. That sounds juicy. Nothing better than rich men with a black card looking for a playmate. I got some good shit out of that last time. Let me check my planner to make sure I don't overbook myself with something else already planned. Had to work on my bikini body. ;) Not at my apartment yet. Can I let you know by tomorrow morning latest?

She replies.

Meg:Sure thing. You should be my father's daughter. It's unfortunate those Disney swap movies we used to watch as teens aren't real. I'd totally trade places with you. Let me know when you can. Love you, bitch.

Me:You got it, sweets.

I glance up as I step off the last step onto my floor, pulling the ear buds from my ears after pausing the music, halting mid-step at what's sitting in front of my door. My heart begins to race. "Bryant?"

He's sitting back against my door, his legs extended out into the hall, a large rolling duffle bag beside him, staring at the wall across from him. "You really weren't going to tell me, were you?"

My eyes close, my breathing uneven, my stomach twisting in knots as I stare at his large frame in front of my door like he's a damn beautiful sex God. "Tell you what?" I ask, feeling him out.

He glances at me and I notice his face is slightly bruised under his eye as if someone hit him. "Don't insult me, Ty. I didn't pay out the ass for a last-minute flight and take a shiner for you to bullshit me."

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