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"No. Have you?"

"No. I got close before Saxton showed up. Once. My head was fucked up. For weeks I wasn't worth a damn. I was trying to get you out of my system. I didn't go through with it. I swear. But right now, Ty, I need you. Please tell me I can have you."

I smile, slowly lifting his shirt up his body. "Since when did you ask for anything? The man I remember just took what he wanted."

He grips my thighs and lifts me, his lips taking mine hostage, my legs forming a vise around his waist as he walks out of his room to mine. And then, as if that's all he needed, he was back. My Bryant. The asshole that takes everything away, but gives back so much more.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Istretch my legs out in front of me, my back to the chair, before pulling them back into a bend, leaning over, forearms to thighs. My fingers comb through the front of my hair as I look at the floor, before I sit back again. Fidgeting is what the fuck I'm doing. Doctor's offices freak me out. They're full of sick people. This one in particular: full of round, swollen bellies waddling around everywhere like little penguins. I've never seen so many women knocked up in one place in my entire life, and the ratio of women to men is threefold, making me wonder where the hell all the other dicks responsible for their states are.

I look around the room, staring at the random pictures and posters on the walls. Some are enlarged prints of paintings, some are posters of the female anatomy, showing me parts I've never considered when entering a warm, wet pussy. To a guy it's like a deep, dark hole with no end. Sure, we took biology, anatomy and physiology, but we don't think of that shit when our dicks are hard. My eyes hone in on the supplies laid atop the counter at the back of the room, not far from some kind of table covered in paper with stirrups. I have no idea what the fuck those are for.

Tynleigh grabs my hand from the chair beside me. I glance at her. She's smiling, and on exhale some of the stress and nervousness leaves my body. "You're making me nervous in your nervousness. Are you going to be okay?"

"Shit. Sorry." I rub my hand down my face. "All this waiting and not knowing what we're waiting for is making me restless."

She squeezes my hand, and more of the nervous energy exits. "We can do this."

Yesterday was the first peaceful day I've had since Friday when all this shit came to a head. I unpacked my bag, shoving clothes into the dresser in the room. It's enough to last for a little while, but if I'm going to be living here I'll probably have to go back to California at some point for another bag of stuff. We did go to the store for groceries and shit I needed, like bathroom necessities and things I didn't bring. She came along. I always pictured shopping with a woman something that I would despise. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but maybe it was just Tynleigh. It was oddly the most domestic thing I've ever done. I did my own grocery shopping back home, but a man doesn't need much when he lives alone. Hell, a sandwich is my favorite meal most days. I do the occasional meal prep, but the rest is takeout and living at the gym when I'm not consumed with everything else in my life.

I still have a lot to figure out, like how to finish my master's degree. For now I'll just have to pull out of the classes I was taking and complete them later. Uncle Mark agreed to keep the stores running physically: checking in, cash deposit drops at the bank, filling in when needed. Everything else I can do from my phone and my laptop. I'll have to fly back occasionally. Likely the air will become my best friend when it comes to transportation, but it's a sacrifice I'll make for this.

A knock sounds on the door before it opens, and then a woman much more attractive than what I would assume a pussy doctor would look like walks through. She’s holding a folder, white coat over normal clothes, a polite greeting coming from her mouth as she shuts it. Relief that I don't understand floods at the realization that a woman is going to be looking between her legs during this and not a man. She eyes me, a small smile on her face when her line of vision goes to Tynleigh. I say nothing.

She pats the table with her hand. "Hop up here, Tynleigh."

Tynleigh stands, moving to the short table and steps on the bottom step to sit down on it, the paper crinkling as she does. I watch her, unsure of what she's about to do. The doctor looks between the two of us. "Is it safe to assume we're continuing this pregnancy?"

"Yes," I blurt out, completely out of turn, not even intending to speak.

Tynleigh looks at me, the biggest grin on her face, as if she's holding back a laugh. "Dr. Harper, this is Bryant, A.K.A. baby daddy."

"Glad you're here, Bryant. Wasn't sure which way this was going to go. Since we're going forward, I'm going to go ahead and do your pelvic exam and then we'll discuss what will happen until your next visit." She hands Tynleigh two items folded up. One looks like a gown. “Take these behind the curtain and slip your clothes off, back open.”

Tynleigh does as told, disappearing behind the curtain. The doctor sits on her small rolling stool and begins inputting things into the computer. I remain still, and quiet, glancing off around the room again.

Tynleigh returns, getting back on the table. The doctor presses a button on the wall that lights up and seconds later a female in scrubs walks in and stands at the back counter. "Lay back. Bottom to the edge, honey," the doctor says, before rolling toward the table.

Tynleigh scoots down the table, lying back, and then inserts her heels into the holes of the stirrups, holding her legs spread wide. The doctor turns on a snakelike light and places it aimed between her legs. A sudden fear courses through my gut as the tech begins handing her tools from the counter. "What are you going to do?"

The doctor looks at me with softer eyes this time: a little less medical and more humanlike. I feel stupid to be honest, sitting here in this chair with all of these woman surrounding me, having outburst after outburst. I have no idea about all of this shit. I'm not a guy that likes to be clueless. I'm fairly smart actually, picking up material quickly and in as little as one read through. Girl related issues, however, I know nothing about. But right now, all I can imagine is something being shoved up there where my baby is, hurting it. "It's just a pelvic exam for a vaginal screening. I know you're confused. Most first time parents are, especially dads. It won't be anywhere close to the baby. Would you like to come stand by Tynleigh? It may make it easier to be closer where you can somewhat see what's going on."

"Okay," I say, and stand, taking a few steps toward her, head end. I lay my fist on the table to her side.

It surprises me when Tynleigh grabs my hand in a comforting way, my fist instantly loosening and my hand lacing together with hers. Our eyes lock and all of the anxiety drains from my body. Like a light bulb, everything comes on in my mind. I know my place, my job. Even when I'm confused, worried, or scared shitless just like I am now, my job is to be the man beside her. I need to appear strong even when I don't feel like it. If I'm freaking the fuck out then I can't imagine what the hell is going on in her mind that she's not saying aloud, having all of this done to her body. My part is easy. I can do this. I can be the moral support. I can come along for the ride. I'm a good researcher; always have been. I can answer my own fucking questions by finding them myself instead of looking like a dipshit. And that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm determined to make this work, just like I was determined to keep the stores going when dad was sent away. When I set my mind to something, I'm usually pretty fucking good at it. We may not have created this kid in love, but there is one thing I know for sure, and that's that even still, I want her. I want her more than I've ever wanted a woman, no matter how many times I take her for myself. The absence proved it. My head was all fucked up, and the second I had her back in my arms, in the bed, it was as if the axis was on center again.

Last night, when I entered her after those weeks apart, it felt like I was coming back to the place I'm supposed to be. I don't know why or how, but I know that the feelings are there. And even though I don't know how deep that want for her is yet, I will be here, every fucking day to see this through.

At some point, she'll either be my best friend and we'll raise this kid together physically but separate emotionally or she'll become the woman I love—possibly a combination of both. In time I'll know. Maybe one day I will love her, and she love me, but regardless of whether we love each other or not, this kid will have both of us. And that's a promise I can keep.

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