Page 40 of Combust

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Closing my eyes, I give myself over to whatever he wants to do to me, tilting my head back on the pillow. Grasping his shoulder blades with my fingers, I dig my nails in when he dips down to take a peeked nipple in his mouth.


When he lets go, he travels further down. Although the room is dark, there’s a break in the curtains allowing for some of the light from outside to come in. It’s just enough so that I can see the top of his head. My thighs spread wider for him, giving him enough room to work, as he situates his big shoulders.

A large hard lays at the top of my pubic bone, the pad of his thumb nestling right in against my clit. Hooded eyes lift up for a brief moment before he leans forward and blows softly on the slippery skin. He hesitates slightly, reaching in with his tongue this time to do one pass.

“Cam, stop teasing,” I whisper.

This time when he goes in, he goes in hard, devouring me like he would a juicy piece of fruit.

“Oh, my God.” I thread my fingers through his hair, holding him against me and thrusting up.

His free hand moves up to my mouth and he puts his palm over my lips. Oh yeah, we have to be quiet because Trin’s asleep.

But it’s hard, the way he’s working my flesh, touching every single part that’s dying for his attention. When I bite his palm, he moves, this time shoving two fingers into my mouth. Grateful for a way to participate, I curl my tongue around them, the same way I would his dick.

With most of the encounters I’ve had, I’ve held back, not wanting to be overtaken by my pleasure.

Not this time.

I want it all.

Spreading my legs wider, I press my feet against the bed and thrust into his tongue, tugging on the ends of his hair and sucking his fingers with all I have.

His thumb manipulates my clit in ways I didn’t know were possible and his tongue curls with a flexibility I didn’t know he possessed.

Out of nowhere, my orgasm hits me.

A tornado of emotions flows through my body and then leaves me depleted and panting. “Oh my god, Cam.”

“I know.” He smirks, coming back up my body.

This time, he settles between my thighs and slowly presses his cock into me. A little more each time. “Yes, take it slow.”

“I’ll take whatever time you need.” His tone is reassuring and I love the way he doesn’t pressure.

The aftershocks are still flowing through my body, but they’re finally small enough for me to reach around and grab his ass, pulling him into me.

His corresponding grunt causes goosebumps to appear all over my skin. “Fuck, yes.”

Hearing him say fuck is one of my favorite things.

A sly smile on my face, I start us rocking against each other. “Take me, Cam. The way you took me a minute ago for my pleasure, do the same for yours.”

“You sure?” His voice is deep and full of passion. Like he’s smoked a pack and drank a fifth.


Leaning up slightly, he grips the headboard in one hand and uses it to leverage his body up and down. I can’t help but watch the way the veins in his forearm respond to what he’s doing and damn if it isn’t sexy as hell.

His other hand is all over me, feeling every part of my skin it can touch.

And me? I can’t get enough of every single inch of him. I’m everywhere, grabbing onto his ass and pulling him deeper inside me.

If this is what if feels like to be owned, sign me the fuck up.

“Right there.” Cam grunts. “Right fuckin’ there. I’m gonna come, Nat.”
