Page 44 of The Immortal Tailor

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Pet fluttered in with a biscuit in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. He didn’t understand how the physics worked for fairies, but she had a powerful grip. “Here you go. Black coffee and a homemade biscuit.”

Pet set them down on the thick glass block table in front of Elenore. The coffee table was a piece he’d found at auction and went extremely well with the sleek minimalist look of the bar in the corner made entirely from glass bricks.

No coaster? Fucking hell, these people.That would leave a ring, and he hated cleaning. Damien felt his blood pressure soaring. “I wouldn’t eat that biscuit unless you like demon fur as seasoning,” he warned, grabbing a coaster and placing it beneath the mug.

“I’ve eaten worse. But I’m pretty full right now.” Elenore patted her stomach.

Not surprised. She’d just dined on a woman with a side dish of control-top panties.

“So how did you find me, Elenore?” he asked.

“Your scent. I followed it.”

All the way from Malibu? Impressive. “And how did you end up at that party?”

“I’m not sure, actually. One minute I was at a festival in Seattle, dancing with my friends, and then the next thing I know, I’m waking up in a cage in a big refrigerator. They held me there for months.”

Pet had said she’d been at a festival, too. She’d also been held captive somewhere cold. “Do you know if they kept you far from here? Close by? How long did you travel before getting to that fundraiser?”

“Not long. A couple of hours.”

So maybe the salsa factory.Or in a refrigerated truck. Like the ones Sky had seen coming and going in Cleveland.

Elenore added, “I overheard them talking about another festival. That’s why I wanted to find you. I don’t know who you are, but I figured you’d be my best bet to stop them.”

Pet took a seat on top of the uneaten biscuit, listening intently. Gorgonzolina showed up and sat next to the coffee table, staring with fascination at the were. Sky was probably nearby, too. He didn’t want to know; he was beyond livid over her little stunt. Thankfully, Amelia and Miguel were gone.

“Best bet for?” Damien folded his arms over his chest. He suddenly noticed all of the female creatures in the room staring at him.

He looked down. Yes, he was in his boxer briefs. Yes, he looked incredible. Yes, he was too tired to care.

“I think it’s why they’re raising money,” Elenore explained. “Vincente and his people are organizing these events. They advertise in all the underground clubs and bars. Also Porn Hut and the leather pants store—places frequented by the immortal crowd. Not that there are many of us left. I wish I knew what happened.”

“A unicorn banged a hellhound!” Pet sighed contently. “I wish I’d been there to watch.”

Elenore made a sour face, probably coming to the conclusion that Pet was insane. Smart were.

“So where is the next festival?” Damien asked.

“Miami. Next week. And I heard him say it was going to be the biggest ‘harvest’ in years.”

The doorbell rang, but before Damien could get up, he heard the front door open.

“Hello? Boss!” It was MF.

She walked in holding Bonbon.

“What are you doing here?” he grumbled.

“I wanted a word about the shop. I don’t agree with shutting it down.” Her tone was icy. She meant business.

Bonbon looked at the little brown Chihuahua sitting on the floor. Gorgonzolina stared back. The two then looked away, like they couldn’t care less about meeting another love-sucking demon. Not good.

“Why are you in your boxers?” MF added. “And what’s with all the little holes?”

“Long story,” he replied.

“Who’s the were?” Bonbon asked, staring at Elenore.
