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“Lilly, you remember Caleb, James’s brother? This is for Aunt Betty, you know. She’s going through hormones and stuff. Let’s go.” She grabbed Lilly’s arm and marched past Caleb, who was still looking at her, shocked.

“Why are we running away?”

“Because it’s what we have to do.”

“Is this test really for your aunt? She told me you had to take one.”

“Of course it’s for me,” she said. “That’s James’s brother. If he knows and there’s nothing to talk about, then there’s no reason to worry him, is there?”

“But what if there is something?”

“Then I’ll have to deal with it. But until then, he doesn’t need to go and tell his brother.”

They entered the florist shop. Her aunt was already there, turning the closed sign.

Eliza walked into the back, hands, shaking. Lilly took it from her and read the instructions on the back.

“I’ve just got to pee on a stick. Should be really easy.”

“We’re here for you,” Aunt Betty said. “Do you want us to come in the bathroom?”

“It will be completely gross, but I would do that for you, Eliza,” Lilly said.

“I love you both, I really do, but I don’t want either of you in the bathroom.” She felt like she was going to be sick and this wasn’t helping.

With her hands still shaking, she sat on the toilet, staring at the offending piece of stick she had to urinate on. She peed on the stick, finished wiping herself, and left the stall. Placing the stick down, she washed her hands, and then stood back waiting. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

“You’ve got this.”

“I can’t be pregnant.”

Lilly hugged her close. They had only gotten closer in the past couple of weeks. She had missed her friend and she’d felt so guilty for leaving her behind.

“What does it say?” she asked.

“Oh, Eliza,” Aunt Betty said.

She knew.

“What if … what if I have to raise a baby all by myself? I … I don’t…”

“Sit down. You look a little pale.”

“I feel like I’m going to vomit.”

“You’re fine. You’re going to be fine.”

“I don’t feel fine.” She leaned forward, resting her head in between her thighs, trying to gain composure but failing.

“James is crazy about you,” Lilly said. “Anyone can see it.”

“But a baby changes everything, Lilly. It’s no longer fun. I’m sorry, Aunt Betty.”

“Don’t be sorry. I know you’re nervous, but I’ve seen the way that boy looks at you, and it’s not for any other reason than he’s in love with you.”

“We enjoy spending time together. We don’t do anything else.” She groaned. “I hate myself. I wasn’t thinking and now look at everything. I messed it up.”

“The last time I checked, it takes two people to make a baby.” Aunt Betty stroked her hair back from her face. “And if James doesn’t want to have anything to do with this baby, then I can promise you, Eliza, I will not turn you away. I will be by your side throughout it all. You will not get rid of me. You’ll never be alone because you will always have me.”

“And me. I’ll help. I think I’d make a good babysitter,” Lilly said.

She burst into tears while also laughing. “I’m so sorry. I’m a mess and I’m laughing but I’m crying. I hate this.”

“I think once you tell James, then you really do need to go and see a doctor. The hormones won’t be controlled, but we need to make sure mommy and baby are healthy.”

She put a hand to her stomach. “Mommy. I’m going to be a mommy.”

“That you are.”

“I’m … wow, I think, wow.” She took several deep breaths, but it didn’t help.

Mommy. That was going to be her new title.

She didn’t know if she was ever going to be a mom or a parent. She’d wanted to have a family, a big one, but she had seen herself happily married, settled down.

What the hell was James going to say?

Chapter Ten

“You’re sure?”

“I saw it with my own two eyes,” Caleb said, panting. “I came to tell you immediately.”

“Is there a chance she’s pregnant?” Jane asked.

James ran his hand down his face, trying to clear the fog from his mind. “Yes, there’s a chance. A very big one. It’s mine as well. Don’t even try to think it’s not.”

“Son, we’re not the ones who would think that. We know you and her have been together. It’s the gossip of the town right now,” Theodore said.

“What if she is pregnant? What do I do?” James got to his feet and started to pace.

“What do you want to do, son?” Theodore asked.

He glanced at his parents. His mother stood behind his father, and they both had big smiles on their faces.

“Why are you both so happy?”

“We’re going to be grandparents. That, for us, is a very happy day.”

“This is happy news. Eliza is pregnant or could be pregnant with my baby. I don’t want to spend my life with anyone else but her. She’s who I want.”

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