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I might like that.

I couldn’t remember the last time I wasn’t able to make a decision. The uncertainty was foreign. Yet another thing I was quickly growing to hate.

Once I had her boxed against the cliff side, I decided. I’d see exactly what I was dealing with here. Either she’d fight, or she’d crumple.

Which would it be?

Ava gauged my move a moment before I made it, her hand reaching for the blade she had concealed beneath the hem of her dress as I rushed in. My fist closed around her wrist, trapping it to her thigh while I blocked a hit from the other, pinning it to the stone at her back.

She panted through a snarling mouth, trying to get her hand free. I squeezed, forcing her to drop the blade with a little grunt. I kicked it away and it ricocheted off the rock before sailing like a glimmering arrow over the edge of the bank and into the lake.

If I thought she was pissed before, she was furious now. She tried harder to get free of my grip. Her relentless struggle made me have to use my hips to pin her. My thickening cock pressing against the cool bite of metal zipper.

“You’re a monster,” she spat, her harsh tone and curled upper lip disguising the truth her body couldn’t hide from me. She was fighting the same indecision I was. Unsure if she wanted to fuck me or bite my head off.

She shivered as I leaned in, putting my mouth at her ear.

“You’re damn right I am.”

A bitter grin pulled at my lips.Fuck.I couldn’t remember the last time I’d smiled.

“You should run, little sparrow. While you still can,” I warned, unsure I’d even give her the chance to if she tried.

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I’ll swallow you whole.”

Her resistance waned and for the briefest second, her blistering cold stare settled on my mouth—before she heaved her hips forward, knocking me off balance.

I staggered back a step, licking my lips at the ache in my hip bone.

“If I can’t find it,” she hissed. “You owe me a new blade.”

She stalked past me like a panther, dark hair wild and blowing in a sudden gust of wind. She stopped for a second to tear the heels from her feet, tossing them to the side. Completely unbothered that her back was now to me. That if I wanted to, I could get my hands around that pretty neck and…

“Oh, and Corvus,” she added as she unfurled back to her full height. “I’m not going anywhere.”

She tossed me a wink over her shoulder before she dove, dress and all, into the lazy waves below, pushing herself deep into the black water to hunt for what she’d lost.

I tookanother swallow of my whiskey, rolling my neck as the warm burn of it forced my muscles to relax even with the thud of the music rattling my bones. I was still a bit hard from the new girl’s spectacle. She was fucking brilliant.

A goddess.

I’d admit it, I was intrigued by her coarse nature from the start, but now…


My cock twitched in my jeans, re-hardening at the mental image of her covered in blood. The pattern of it splattered over her sharp cheeks. How she didn’t even fucking flinch as it sprayed over her. The way her eyes went hyper focused, and also blank as she hit Brianna for the second time. Like she didn’t even realize she’d done it until it was too late for her to stop herself.

I shivered, my fist clenching and unclenching until I curled it around the arm of the weathered sofa to stop the habit, my teeth twisting my lip ring instead.

I wanted her.

My jaw twitched, resisting the admission.

Another swig of whiskey and the flask was empty.Damn.

Grey knocked his knuckles on my shin, and I followed his line of sight to the door, where Corvus was making his way back inside.
