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His dark look said it all. If it was sanctioned by their leader then we wouldn’t be the ones to initiate the bloodshed. They already had.

“Where is the meet point?”

I wanted to case that out, too. Make sure there was an escape route. No way for them to come at us with uneven numbers without us knowing well in advance.

Diesel signaled Sasha for another beer, also signaling that this conversation was coming to an end. “Haven’t decided yet. We’ll give it to them same day. Like usual.”

No time for them to set anything up, but plenty of time for us. It would be up to them if they wanted to take the risk and honor the meet. If they didn’t, it would mean they had something to hide and we’d find them and kill them anyway.

If it wasn’t them, all they had to do was say so and Dies would walk away. He would find out the truth eventually, he always did. And if they were smart, they’d know that lying to Diesel St. Crow bought you nothing but a bullet with your name on it.

“Let me do it,” I offered. “I’ll find a good meet point. Somewhere in no man’s land. I’ll scope it. Rig it. Make sure there’s an easy escape if needed.”

“You’ve got enough to do over the next couple of weeks, son. I can handle it.”

I nodded, a muscle ticking in my temple, making my eye twitch. I’d rather do it myself, but Dies was the one person I trusted implicitly. He’d get it done.

“Everyone good with this?” he asked as Sasha dropped him off a fresh beer and slid Rook a fresh whiskey.

“Can I get anything for anyone else?” she asked, and Grey shook his head. She didn’t wait to hear from me before leaving with a little extra pop in her hips. She’d been trying to get Diesel between the sheets since she started here. She wouldn’t have any luck.

“Alright.” Diesel clapped his hands together, effectively ending the conversation. His cunning stare slid to the pool table and returned to me with a renewed spark of life. “Ready to get your ass kicked, son?”

The king of pool at Sanctum, Diesel hadn’t ever been beaten. Not by anyone. But maybe tonight would finally be the night that the apprentice overtook the master.

I scoffed, flipping my internal switch. There were enough hours between now and dawn that I’d have plenty of time to start the recon Diesel asked for after we left.

Business later.

For now, I had a Saint to dethrone.


I wiped drool from the corner of my mouth with a frown, my nose wrinkling at a cloying smell tainting the air of my bedroom.Ugh.What was that? I lifted an arm to make sure the gross limey odor wasn’t coming from me.

“Ew,” I mumbled, rolling out of bed to wash the drool off my hand and rinse out my mouth. I never drooled. Couldn’t sleep deep enough for that. At least, not usually. I swished the cool water from the tap in my mouth and spat, opting to just take a shower in case I did actually smell like a fucking stale ass gin mojito.

At least the deep sleep brought with it some clarity and as the scalding water prodded my dead muscles back to life, a plan formed.

To be fair, it started forming the minute the fucking Crows decided to try to cut me a very one-sided deal. The little visit from Officer Vick just cemented it.

The way they saw it, I had two options.

Option one: take the deal and become their little plaything. Kneel.

Option two: be forced to take the deal by whatever devious bullshittery they came up with to try to force me into it.

Officer Vick had provided me an option number three, but honestly? I didn’t fucking like cops. Sixty percent were corrupt. At least thirty percent were power-tripping dickwads. The last ten percent were just fucking useless. Or stupid.

Biased? Maybe. But you haven’t been a starving kid living in a trailer with a crackhead mother and a father with a gambling addiction. Or maybe you have. And then you know.

I was going for option number four. It was time to take these Crows down a peg. If I’d been smart, I’d have taken photos of the stolen car that night with the guy in the shed. I’d have filmed Rook dragging him to the shed. Captured his screams on camera.

Two could play the blackmail game. I’d been focusing my attention on the wrong threat. Bri was a blimp on the greater scale. The Crows were the real enemy. They were the ones who deserved my attention. I’d find out every little thing I could about them. Their dirty secrets. Their plans. And then I would use that knowledge to buy my freedom.

It would take time, and I’d have to do it right, but it could be done. I just had to make sure I didn’t break along the way.

“You trying a new perfume?” Becca asked as I made my way into the living room, making a spectacle of plugging her nose. “Babe, that is sonotyour scent.”
