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“If you knew what was good for you, Ava Jade, you’d leave, too.”

I laughed, shaking my head at the ludicrousness of this whole idiotic situation.

“What did he say, then, hmm? That I was his or some other bullshit?”

Without missing a beat, Josh replied. “Yes. And he didn’t just warn me away. As of this morning, no guy in this entire school is allowed to go near you. They’ve...they’ve claimed you.”

The way he said it, with pity, made my teeth grind. I got the sense they hadn’t ever done anything like this before. Never claimed someone for themselves.

Fuck if I was going to let the bastard get away with it.

I wouldn’t let them back me into a corner. Into a cage.

I saidnoto their deal, and I would stand my motherfucking ground.

A growl tore from my throat as I chucked my books to the floor and spun on my heel, storming toward the stairs, and leaving Josh in my dust. I shivered, my edges coming unglued, fingers of heat inching up the back of my neck.

My vision narrowed, tinted crimson.

My thoughts were a mess of disjointed things rattling in my head.

Those entitled motherfuckers.

Friday. Today was Friday.


Grey was here.

Last period.

He would be in room 910. Biochem.

I was there so fast that I could barely recall from which direction I came, how I’d managed to climb two flights of stairs and jump down three different hallways. It felt like barely a second had passed since Josh poured gasoline on my fire.

The door flew open, battering loudly on the opposite wall as I stepped inside. Heads swiveled. Startled eyes took me in. But I was looking for a specific pair.

“Excuse me,” the teacher all but shouted, rising from behind her desk with a pointed stare in my direction. I didn’t even have to look at her to know that she was five foot nothing, rounded through her middle, and absolutely no threat whatsoever.

“You,” I growled, latching onto Greyson Winters at the back of the classroom with my eyes alone. “We need to talk.”

“I said,excuse me,” the teacher repeated. “We’re in the middle of—”

Grey lifted a hand, silencing the teacher with a lazyshhhh,without taking his eyes off me.

My heart beat in my temples, thudding so strongly that the room seemed to expand in shades of red with each pulse. I inhaled deeply through my nose, regaining control as the initial burst of adrenaline leveled out into a steady rush, sharpening my focus. Centering.

If I’d found Grey one minute earlier, I might’ve bit his head off.

“Excuse us, Mrs. Waters,” Grey said as he rose from his desk, inclining his head to the ruffled teacher. He left his books and pencil behind as he waded through the whispering students toward the door.

“AJ,” he said with a nod as he approached, the tiny tick of enjoyment squirming at the edge of his lips was enough to set my blood boiling anew. I snatched his arm and dragged him through the door, slamming it behind us.

I didn’t stop there.

“Where are we going?”

I growled to myself, curses falling from my lips as I towed Grey along with me until I found what I was looking for. I shouldered the door to the ladies washroom open and shoved him through it.
