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Diesel’s expression evened out, and he sighed, placated by my response. He closed the gap between us to place a hand on my shoulder, squeezing in a way that told me he was sorry without the need for words. “All right, Son. All right. One trial and no more.”

“When?” I asked as his hand slid from my shoulder. “She’s injured. She needs time to heal.”

Diesel nodded solemnly. “I make no promises.”

I checkedmy phone for the fifth time since I texted Becca two hours ago, finding only another passive aggressive text from Aunt Humphrey.

Female Hitler: I finally got to speak to several of your instructors this past week. It seems all your grades are well above average, however that doesn’t excuse your lack of attendance.

Her way of apologizing?

Another message came through before I sent it back down.

Female Hitler: Also, dinner will be at 7 o’clock sharp at the manor for Thanksgiving. If you’re bringing anyone along, please let me know in advance so I can make the appropriate arrangements.

Um, yeah…hard fucking pass.

“Anything yet?” I jumped out of my seat at the desk and winced as the torn ligament in my knee stretched too far.

“Fucking shit fuck,” I cursed, bending to rub the ache out of it.

“Sorry,” Grey said, raising his hands in apology. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

I sighed heavily, falling back into the chair at the desk and shoving my history notes out of the way so I could rest my arm there instead. “No. I haven’t. She hasn’t texted me back at all, and she won’t answer my calls.”

Grey’s frown deepened. “Are you worried?”

I shrugged. “A bit? I don’t know. She’s always slow to text me back when she’s with him, but not like this.”

“Yeah, she doesn’t usually spend the night,” Grey mused aloud, and he was right. Becca always wandered back into the apartment at Briar Hall sometime in the early hours of the morning. She was never gone this long.

I shifted my notes around on the desk, stacking them into a neat pile atop my textbook, officially done with studying for the test this week. I doubted anything was sticking in my head right now anyway.

I’d overheard Diesel outside with Corvus this morning. I didn’t catch everything, but I did catch something about things getting ugly and one trial. Hopefully, that meant there was only one left. I couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing, since Diesel St. Crow seemed set on me not surviving to the end.

“Hey,” Grey hedged, coming into the loft. “If she isn’t back for class tomorrow morning, then we’ll go and look for her, ’kay?”

I wasn’t sure how we’d find her since I had absolutely no fucking clue where she went when she drove off to meet her—

That was it! However she’d gone to meet her guy friend last night at the docks, it wasn’t with her car. That was still parked in the school lot. I’d walked there with Rook earlier to check, and to stretch out the shit that was all twisted up in my knee.

“Do you think the GPS in her car has passive tracking? Like, to see previous routes?”

The corner of Grey’s mouth lifted. “Yeah. I think it probably would. Just have to hack in, and lucky for you…” He rubbed his knuckles over his chest, smug as fuck. “You happen to be sharing a house with someone who knows how.”

I smiled back. “Thanks, Grey.”

His gaze softened and some of that smugness faded, transitioning to something harder to name. He cleared his throat. “Can I,uh,get you anything? How’s the shoulder? We should probably redress it.”

I shook my head. “Already done. And it’s good.”

I rolled it to show him, unable to conceal all the discomfort from my face, but somehow, mercifully, the arrow hadn’t hit anything important. So, while it hurt like the devil’s asshole, it would be just fine.

“Right. Good. That’s good.”

He was stalling, and for half a minute I considered asking him to stay. I’d been isolating myself from them since the Primal Ethos show, and I knew they were all uncertain about what the shift meant. Hell, so was I, but it didn’t change things. Even if Rook and I had a moment last night. Even if a part of me wanted to rip every bit of Grey’s dark tracksuit to shreds and fuck him until I couldn’t breathe. And even if I couldn’t stop remembering the feeling of absolute freedom that’d come with letting myselffeelsomething other than hate for Corvus.

A shred of doubt nagged at the back of my skull.
