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It was him. It was himall along.Taunting me. Teasing me. Trying to scare me.

The bastard.

No one knew we were behind that curtain on fight night.No onewould’ve been able to see us. The slit in the edge of the curtain was tiny. There was no way…

It was Corvus.

Had been from the start.

“I’m going to kill him,” I deadpanned, taking off at a sprint into the trees, carving a path directly toward the Crow’s Nest with Grey lagging behind, shouting for me to wait. To tell him what was going on.

Distantly, I heard a grunt as he fell. Good. Now there was no chance he would catch up.

The darkness I’d been working to suppress came rushing back, gushing up from deep within like a geyser.

From the start, I had a feeling it was him. I should have trusted my gut. Now there was no doubt.

It was funny how even though this wasn’t the regular route I took to the Crow’s Nest, I still knew exactly where I was going. Its location was anchored in my memory, a magnet to my compass. It drew me in as though I’d been going there my entire life.

My focus narrowed and the sound of Grey in the forest fell away, moving to nothing but a distant drone in my ears.

I couldn’t believe Corvus’ nerve.

This was a whole new low, even for Corvus. I understood icing me out. I could even understand trying to control me and attack me when he thought I was a threat. But this was just cruel. What was the purpose of it?

What was he trying to pull here? Did he want me to run? Was he trying to scare me away? So that Diesel would kill me? That way he wouldn’t have to get his hands dirty himself.

That had to be it. I could see no other reason why he would do this. Unless he just got a kick out of making girls feel uncomfortable. Which, from what I knew of him, was entirely possible.

Either way, he wasn’t going to get away with it. And if Rook and Grey were in on it with him they would go down, too. But something told me they weren’t. This had Corvus written all over it. My chest began to ache around the same time the burn in my legs rose to an all-time high.

Until I was just an inferno of aching, burning fury.

The truth of it stung like a betrayal. But that was ridiculous, how could I feel betrayed if there was never trust to begin with?

I burst through the trees onto the gravel drive leading up to the Crow’s Nest.

The front door stood ajar, and the Rover was parked in the driveway, the back hatch lifted to reveal several grocery bags and a flat of bottled water. It looked like they’d just returned home.

Corvus appeared in the doorway, exiting the house to retrieve the last of the groceries from the Rover.

I saw red.

My hands trembled as I stormed toward him.


His distant gaze found me, brows drawing together. His lips parted, caught off guard to see me.


I rushed him. Surprise registered in his icy blue eyes, one second too late.

I shoved him back, with my phone still clutched in my fist, the other slapping flat against his wide chest.

He stumbled back three steps, lip twisting into a sneer.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I demanded.
