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“AJ!” Grey shouted, breathless as he jogged up the drive.

I ignored him.

A shadow moved behind Corvus inside of the Nest, and Rook appeared in the hall, casually leaning against the wall as though there wasn’t a seething dragon in his doorway.

“Suppose we have you to thank for our new open-door policy?” he asked with a crooked smile.

“What?” Corvus snapped at him, gaze jarring between Rook’s unruffled posture and my flaring nostrils, his own frustration rising to meet mine.

Triumph at my success with my little doorknob trick would have to wait. I had more pressing matters to attend to.

“How long have you been stalking me, asshole?”

Corvus feigned confusion.

That’s when it clicked.

A long fucking time.

The stalker saw me that night on the train tracks. The stalker knew my darkest, dirtiest secret.

Corvus knew what I did that night.


No, no, no.

“I’ll ask you again,” Corvus said, inhaling deeply to rein in his control. “What in the actual fuck are you talking about?”

Cold dread filled my veins, dousing the fire that burned there only a moment before. I didn’t realize I was still gripping my phone in my hand until Grey snatched it away.


The fire roared back in an instant, and I launched myself at Grey to get it back.

“Hold her,” Grey growled, and Corvus was able to get his arms around my middle, fastening me to him as though we were welded together with steel.

“What the fuck,”I gritted out, writhing. “Let go!”

“What are you doing?” Rook asked Grey so calmly that it just infuriated me even more.

“It was something on her phone,” Grey mused. “She read something and then just took off like a bat out of hell.”

“Shit,” he cursed. “It’s locked. What’s your password?”

I continued struggling against Corvus’ hold, but the way he had my arms tight against my sides, getting free was proving to be a chore and a fucking half. The muscles in my biceps and forearms flared from the effort while he grunted through my attempts at escape, his scent overwhelming my senses, playing tricks on my mind.

“Fuck you!” I spat at Grey. “I’m not telling you shit.”

“Sparrow…” Corvus warned, his breath hot against my ear.

Fine. They wanted to play it like that? They could have it their way.

I stomped as hard as I could on Corvus’ instep. When his hold loosened, I swung my leg forward and launched my heel back into his kneecap.

His hold on me broke enough for me to squirm free as he dropped to his good knee on the gravel drive.

He cursed loud and long, thick fingers reaching to try to grab me again, but it was too late. I was already on top of Grey, fighting to get my phone out of his grasp.
