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I didn’t want to hurt him, well at least not that much, so I took him down gently. My version of gently.

My phone knocked from his hand as he fell. The wind gushed out through his lips from the impact with the gravel. I snatched my phone and stood, glaring at all of them. At Corvus on his knees. At Grey on his back. At Rook leaning against the door jamb with a prideful smirk on his mouth.

Smart fucker, not joining the fray. I wouldn’t have gone easy on him, and I doubt he’d have gone easy on me, either. It would’ve been glorious.

A lot of that hot, angry wind in my sails died down as the realization of what Corvus knew truly sank in. I was still pissed, but also very wary of him telling the others… That was, if they didn’t already know.

“AJ, can we stop for a second?” Grey asked, a note of impatience in his tone as he got to his feet and brushed the gravel dust off of his ass. “Could you just tell us what’s going on?”

I pointed an accusing finger at Corvus, my chest heaving.

“Why don’t you ask him?”

Grey’s eyes slipped to his adoptive brother.

“Don’t fucking look at me,” he said, raising his arm in a shrug. “I have no idea. Maybe it’s that time of the month.”

Fucking prick.

I chuckled darkly to myself, the sound bordering on mania as the muscles in my jaw tightened again. I hadn’t really realized how stressed and creeped out the messages had been making me with everything else that’d been happening, but now, at least, it was over.

With fingers rigor mortis stiff, I jabbed the phone screen until one of the newest messages from the unknown number appeared. The one detailing what Corvus and I did behind that curtain on fight night. I closed the small gap between us just as he finished getting to his feet, barely able to put any weight on his right leg.

I thrust the phone out, forcing him to look.

“So, you’re telling me thiswasn’tyou?”

Corvus’ nostrils flared, his face growing red as he squinted to read the message on the screen. Leaning in, his sneer turned quickly to a frown.

“Sparrow, I didn’t send that.”

“Oh, and I suppose you didn’t send any of the others, either?”

“Others? How many messages like this do you have?”

Concern pinched the skin between his eyes, and the muscles around his mouth. It certainly added to the effect of his claimed innocence. I had to say, I almost believed him.

“You’re so full of shit.”

“Ava Jade,” Corvus pressed, straightening to his full height, and for some reason, the look on his face combined with the succinct way he spoke my name gave me pause. “I didnotsend that.”

Rook, curious now, moved from his leaning stance against the door jamb to stand next to Corvus. “What is it?”

“But…” I trailed off, not breaking eye contact with Corvus even as my own began to burn from not blinking. There was no lie in his stare. He was either adamngood liar, or he wasn’t lying to me at all. “It has to be you.”

He shook his head once.

“Corv doesn’t lie,” Grey affirmed for his brother. “He owns his shit. If he does something, he does it with purpose. Without apology.”

Corv gave Grey a grateful nod, and I could see it.

It made sense.

If it were him, he wouldn’t have lied about it. He would have given me that infuriating smirk of his with a satisfiedgotchagleam in his bright eyes.

“Let me see the other messages,” Corvus said, not a request, but a demand.

I faltered back a step, swallowing hard. “No,” I muttered, blinking as I tucked my phone back away in my pocket. “No. It’s nothing.”
