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Drake slid in easily across from Corvus, setting his tray down with another piece of bacon hanging from his mouth. He caught Corvus staring and lifted the lip of his plate, tipping it in his direction. “Want some?”

Corvus’ phone rang, and he lifted it to his ear. “Yeah?”

He listened for a minute to whoever was on the other end, eyeing Drake as I slid in next to him and he made some space for me.

“What’s our move?” Corvus asked over the receiver, and I assumed it was Diesel calling to explain just what the fuck was happening.

“Got it,” Corvus said and hung up, setting his phone down on the table.

“Pops?” Drake asked between mouthfuls of egg.

Rook tapped a coin on the table, sitting up straighter to peer over at Corvus. “Want to fill us in?”

“We got word that the Aces were cutting a deal with the Dead Men,” Drake said before Corvus could.

“And apparently Diesel thought it might be a good idea to increase gang presence at Briar Hall in case they try anything,” Corvus added.

“Surprise,” Drake said sarcastically, an easy smile gracing his full lips. “We’re homeroom buddies now.”

Rook’s dark gaze zeroed in on the other Kings entering the cafeteria. I spied the creepy looking fucker from fight night, the one that matched Becca’s description, and wished she was down here eating with us so I could point him out. He hovered near the rear exit to the cafeteria, sipping something from a paper cup.

There looked to be a total of five new students at Briar Hall. Two of whom looked far too old to be here.

Drake, though, even with the evidence of a hard life carved into the weathered lines of his face, somehow managed to give off the aura of someone young and full of life. He fit in. The others really didn’t.

Grey’s foot slid into mine under the table, hard, and when I looked up, I found him watching me.

Watching me watch Drake.

Had I been staring that long?

I cleared my throat, my appetite suddenly gone. “I think I’m going to take this up to Becca. See if she’s up to eating anything.”

“Becca?” Drake asked, lifting a brow.

“My roommate,” I explained. “She wasn’t feeling well this morning. She’s still in bed.”

“Ah,” he said, stabbing another forkful of eggs. “Want me to go with you?”

“We’re good here,” Grey said. “Why don’t you go and sit with your guys, yeah? We’ll let you know if we need you.”

I pressed my lips together, holding back a grin.

Drake, unperturbed, stood, scooping up his tray. “Whatever you say, man.” He flashed me another quick grin. “Later, Angel.”

“I don’t like him,” Grey muttered, his hand curling into a fist on the table.

“If he looks anywhere below your neckline again, I’ll have to carve out his eyes,” Corvus added, the new skin forming over the puckered scar on his cheek, catching the fluorescent lighting. We’d taken the stitches out last night and it was looking a lot better.

“He saved your life,” I reminded him.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”

Rook sat back in his chair, letting his coin roll over his tatted fingers as he watched Drake walk away. “I kind of like him,” he said, making Corvus and Grey balk.

“Don’t you, Ghost?” he asked me with a knowing gleam in his eyes.

I lifted my tray from the table, heat rushing up my neck. “I’m going to see Becks,” I said, dodging the question. “I’ll be back by the bell.”
