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“Where’s Becca?”

She jerked her head to the door. “In the loft. Still sleeping, I think.”

“Is that everything?”

Now I was just stalling, and I could tell she knew it, but she played along anyway.

“Almost,” she said. “We think we might know who the stalker is.”

I jerked, twisting my hips to face her. “What? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

She lifted a brow at me like I was the one being fucking daft. “Pretty sure you threatened to kill anyone who so much as came within two feet of your door.”

“Who is it?”

“We aren’t a hundred percent sure, but we think it’s Aries. That King that was at fight night. You know the one. He was—”

“Yeah, the creepy fucker who was watching you. I remember. Why him?”

“He was watching in the atrium when that email went through. I caught him creeping around the hall, and when I went to confront him, he ran.”

“What do you mean, he ran?”

“I mean he ran,” she said again, exasperated. “And I fucking lost him and now none of the other Kings have seen him since that morning. He hasn’t checked in with Maverick. Nothing. No word. No trace on his cell. He’s just gone.”

“He matched Becca’s description of her ex fuckbuddy, too, right?”


“Did she see him?”

She shook her head. “She was sick, remember? Grey showed her a still image from the security footage from that morning, but there was nothing that caught his face. She said he had the same hair and stature but that was it.”

“So...” My throbbing brain struggled to piece together all the new information. “We think Becca’s guy might also be your stalker? They might be the same person?”

She lifted one shoulder. “Maybe.”

“And that guy may not have ever been an Ace at all, but a King the whole time?”

Seemed a bit fucking far-fetched, but I’d considered all the logical options and none of them were fitting.

She let out a long gush of air. “I don’t know, Corvus. We’re still trying to figure it all out.”

“But if it’s a King, then…”

“The alliance might be a set up,” she finished for me.

“We have to tell Diesel.”

She sagged at my words, and I knew she was thinking it was just one more reason for Diesel to hate her. If we told him she had a stalker that was targeting us, he wouldn’t like it. But she was one of us now. And we protected our own. She would see.

This was the closest we’d come to any sort of lead on this guy, and I cursed my dumb ass for not being the one to figure it all out. Instead, I’d been locked up in here like some kind of depressed hermit, leaving all the work to them.

She held out the bottle of water to me, and I swallowed, accepting it from her. I set the bowl down on the nightstand, and she frowned at me.

“I’ll eat it,” I promised. “But I need to do this first.”

“Do what?”
