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“I don’t get it. I looked him up. Found his address. He’s listed and everything. He’s on the force—”

“All a trick,” I interrupted her. “Dies has done this before. He went by Vick, right?”

Her lips pressed tight.

“It’s how he’s always smoked out rats. There is an Officer Vick who works for Thorn Valley PD. How else could the ruse hold up. All it would take is one call to the station or one online search to find out the name was bogus. The real Vick doesn’t use social media. He’s a total fucking recluse. Barely leaves his big house aside from taking his kid to the park down the street. No photos of him online.”

“The perfect identity.”

I nodded.

Her face darkened, and I could see how deeply this had all cut her. Ghost was someone who didn’t trust easily. Fuck, probably didn’t trust ever. But she’d trusted Becca and her friend had betrayed that trust. Lied to her. Plotted against her…whether she went through with it or not.

And Vick, he wasn’t even a real cop. Damn, I applauded Dies for implanting him so quickly. I had to wonder whose eyes noticed we were getting close to Ava Jade and told him. One of the pledges trying to earn brownie points? The fucking night security guy, Mick? It could’ve been anyone.

But worst of all was the hurt we’d caused. I could see it in the way she wouldn’t hold my stare.

In her own way, she had begun to trust us, and when we didn’t come to her defense against our father. When we didn’t defend Becca and reassure her. When we let her fucking go…

We never should have let her go.

“Did you know about Vick?”


“Did you know?” she pressed, and I came back to her from the dark place my mind had wandered.


She looked doubtful.

“We didn’t know until about four hours ago when Diesel told us and led us here to listen in during your meeting.”

She waited. Wanting more.

“He was hoping you were going to give us up.”

“So that you would kill me yourselves?”

I didn’t respond. I didn’t want to say it, and frankly, I didn’t need to. She already knew the answer. She didn’t ask the most important question though…

Would we have done it?

I didn’t want to answer that either.

“What’s going to happen to Becca?” she asked instead of the questions we both knew the answers to, and at least this one, I could speak to.

I inclined my head. “Diesel won’t hurt her.”

“Pfft.” She shook her head.

“He won’t, I’ll make sure of it personally.”

“But?” she pressed, not fully satisfied with my response, knowing there was a catch.

I wouldn’t sugar coat it for her. “She’ll need to answer some questions. As long as she cooperates, nothing will happen to her. She can stay here.”

Though something told me Becca Hart was already long gone. Ava Jade would have seen to that.
