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“Let’s go fuck up some Aces,” I said and Rook smiled wildly, his tongue trapped between his teeth as he sucked a breath in, his savage excitement ramping up my own.

“We hold out,” Corvus said, his tone stern. “No hero shit. We hold the fucking fort until Diesel gets here. No one’s dying tonight. Not on our fucking side.”

Grey nodded his agreement, but Rook and I shared a look. A dangerous understanding passing between us.

If I had my way, there wouldn’t be a single enemy soul remaining on this earth come dawn.

We moved, and I ignored the little choking sob of Becca behind me, needing to focus to get through this. To keep her and every other innocent person here tonight safe.

The silence in the booze scented room was so complete you could hear a pin drop as we moved through it toward the front bay door. Light flashed over the front of the building, blinding me for an instant as I dropped low, moving to stand in against the inside wall, peering out down the docks.

My pulse thudded violently in my chest at what I saw.

Car after car after car came screeching into the lot, stopping to let the Aces and Dead Men come pouring out.

We’d been so certain they wouldn’t try an attack here, but now, looking at them, it made sense. They knew the Crows held this territory and partied here for every full moon. If they took us out before Diesel could get here, then they could hold the Docks, and all the hostages trapped within it.

And Diesel, having more honor in his pinkie finger than Lenny Ace did, would give him what he wanted to stop a slaughter.

It was the perfect plan.

I vowed in that moment to never underestimate my enemy’s ability to be even more ruthless than I was.

“There are too many,” Derrik shouted, light on the balls of his feet across from us against the other side of the bay door opening like he might flee. “We’ll never hold them off.”

He wasn’t wrong.

We were almost too late to move out of the way as an automatic weapon pumped lead into the bay door from way down at the other end of the long pier. Some of the bullets pushed through the worn wood, leaving smoking holes for the moonlight to filter through.

“Anyone hit?” Axel asked.

No one answered.

But they would be soon.

This building wasn’t going to hold up to that much gunfire and they were already slowly making their way up the dock toward us.

Rook took a running step and launched himself across the bay door opening, opening fire as he went, tucking in his chest to roll the last few feet to the other side, bullets missing him by a hair.

I peered through a bullet hole and saw that he’d gotten two of the bastards, but there were already six more there to replace them.

“Watch out,” Grey bellowed, knocking me to the floor, the air stolen from my lungs as another line of gunfire punched holes in a long line down the side of the wall right where my fucking head had been.

I crawled closer to the opening and made a snap decision.

They weren’t going to stop coming.

Even as slowly and carefully as they made their advance down the dock, they’d be on top of us in the next two minutes, the group quickly growing as more vehicles arrived, Dead Men and Aces walking shoulder to shoulder, heel to toe.

We needed to stop their advance.

There wasn’t time or the equipment required to blow the dock, but there might have been something else I could do.

I tore myself from Grey’s grasp, my dress tearing as I ran like a shot back the way we’d come.

“Sparrow!” I heard Corvus call after me, but I wasn’t stopping.

This had to work.
