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A gunshot sent me dropping to my knees as I slingshotted myself through the office door.


“Oh my god, Aves! You said! You said you would announce yourself.”

Her hand shook on the gun. “It’s okay. You did good.”

I grabbed the sniper bag from the floor next to the bar and took off. “Just keep doing what you’re doing!”

She shouted a stream of curses after me, but I was past hearing her, rushing to the back of the building.

“AJ, what are you doing!” Grey shouted, but no one followed me as I shoved through the back door to the shouts of the teenagers huddled against the wall.

“Hold still,” I told the tallest looking one, stepping up onto their back to get a handhold on the old rusted ladder that was busted off at the bottom. I hauled myself up, my shoulders screaming their protest until I got a foothold and cleared the top of the ladder, throwing my legs over onto the roof.

I kept low as I raced over the debris, avoiding the soft looking spots where water was puddled, algae foaming around the edges.

My fingers fumbled with the zipper only for a second before I got it down, pulled out the sniper and yanked the tripod free, feeding bullets into the slot like Grey taught me.

I cocked it back to the sound of a cry below, my heart in my throat. It wasn’t one of them. It wasn’t one of them.

They’re fine.

I lifted the barrel over the wide edge of the roof, butting the rifle to my shoulder, staring down the scope, adjusting it.

There was a flurry of movement as the enemy reached the entrance to the Docks and I heard Rook’s throaty bellow as he went ape on the ones who’d managed to get inside.

I was too late to stop them, but I wouldn’t be too late to slow the flow.

I breathed in, settled on a moving target, breathed out, and fired.

He jerked back, falling in a heap.

Heads snapped up.

I took aim. Fired again.


Two more shots.


It wasn’t enough.

They were still coming. Pouring over the docks like ants.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I reloaded, lifted back onto the ledge.

Found a face I recognized.

I twisted the dial on top of the gun, turning on the red dot sight. It pierced Lenny Ace square in the chest.

I saw the instant he noticed, his body going deathly still as he stared down at it, hands raising.

He shouted something, but I couldn’t hear him from here.
