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Sweat dripped down my forehead, and I squinted, trying to keep it from getting in my eye, keeping steady.

Like dominos, the Dead Men and Aces stopped their advance. Guns were lowered.

“Stop!” I heard Lenny this time as he shouted, still raising his hands ever higher as three more gunshots inside the warehouse below me signaled the deaths of three more of his men.

My finger brushed the trigger, the darkness within beckoning, whispering violence in my ears. Kill him.

Kill him.

All shooting ceased, and I breathed slow out a small opening in my lips, my arm starting to shake from holding the heavy weapon steady.

If I killed him, one of two things would happen.

Either they would all disperse, or I would have created a martyr. Given the Dead Men’s leader a chance to double the size of his gang by taking in Lenny’s as his own.

There was the other option, of course. I could hold until Diesel got here. Clean up this mess for good.

My phone vibrated forcefully against my left tit, and I jerked, almost losing my aim, but able to right it again.

Carefully, I held the sniper in place with one hand while I fingered out my phone with the other, tapping blindly at the screen until the call was answered and on speaker phone.


“I’m a little busy at the moment, Bones. Call me back later?”

“Don’t shoot.”

I ground my teeth.

This fucker tried to kill my guys.

He’d gotten each of them shot on fight night.

Those wounds had yet to heal.

He didn’t deserve to live.


“He needs to die.”

“Can you hold?”

Fire flooded my belly. “Yeah,” I gritted out. “I can hold.”

But Lenny Ace, waiting for the others to do all the work for him at the far end of the long dock, stepped backward. One small step.

I dropped the barrel of the sniper half an inch and shot the pavement at his feet before immediately lifting it back to his chest. He started, lifting the leg nearest the smoking ground like a fucking flamingo before setting it back down.

His mouth moved, and I strained to hear what he was shouting.

“What the fuck is he saying?”

“He wants to leave.”

“Fuck that.”

“Sparrow,” Corvus warned. “If you kill him, the rest of them are going to rush the pier. The Dead Men didn’t join with the Aces to lay down arms and give up whatever they were offered. If Lenny’s dead, they’ll try to take it and more. They won’t ever get another opportunity like this. I need you to hold.”
