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I had a mind to make them wait as long as possible, but that would only see to it that I got locked out of homeroom for being late. Though, with my new status around here, maybe I could walk in whenever I wanted. Maybe I didn’t have to ever be marked absent at all.

I’d have to see about that.

For today, though, I’d behave, if only because I wanted to save myself enough time to drop into the dining hall on the way to class and swipe a bagel.

Rook didn’t so much as stir when we left the apartment, and I found myself shutting the door quietly behind me, twisting the knob to avoid the catching sound of the metal.

“He isn’t a newborn,” Grey commented, and heat bloomed over my chest, but I didn’t give him the satisfaction of my attention or a reply.

Something told me he hadn’t slept last night after we parted ways in the road. I felt maybe just a little responsible for that.

The few students remaining in the hallways parted, scurrying to get out of our way as we made our way to the elevator at the end of the hall, who jabbed the button, and stepped inside.

Funny how barely a month ago I had to sneak into the thing to use it. Now it was as much mine as it was theirs.

Perks: they were the silver lining holding everything together right now.

When the doors opened with a solemn chime, the three of us froze.

Heads turned, eyes latching on. Whispers dying on parted lips.

The main atrium was filled with students, but they weren’t what we couldn’t stop staring at.

Pasted to every available surface in the entire space were photographs. On the banister. On the walls. Scattered over the floor.

I wasn’t sure what I was seeing at first, until I knelt to lift one to inspect it more closely.

They were photographs of Rook…


“Is that the vice principal?” I asked, turning the photo of their entangled naked bodies in what appeared to be the unused academy chapel. In this shot, Rook had his fist around Mrs. June’s throat while he drove into her from behind, her face the picture of bliss. Her tits spilling out of her blouse over the back of a pew.

I scanned the others on the floor close to us, finding at least ten other pornographic images. I couldn’t help but notice the different bits of clothing they wore. The different lighting. Proving that this wasn’t a one-time thing but a very regular occurrence.

Corvus lifted his phone to his ear and growled down the line. “Get down here. Now.”

We stepped out of the elevator, and it closed behind us.

Numbly, I lifted another two photographs to look at them more closely, hating how my stomach was twisting into knots.

“What the fuck are you staring at?” Corvus demanded, eyeing the gape mouthed students still hovering all around the atrium. He reached behind him, lifting the edge of his jacket, where the distinct shape of a gun was pressed between his jeans and his lower back.

I dropped the photos, grabbing his hand before he could draw it.

“Get the fuck out of here,” I yelled, and the ones who hadn’t already fled, raced to follow their wiser peers, dispersing within seconds.

Behind us, the elevator chimed again and Rook appeared, leaning lazily against the door with dark circles beneath his eyes.

Corvus bent and scooped a handful of photographs from the floor, shoving them into his stomach, putting him off balance as he grabbed them.

“The fuck, man?” he groaned, lifting them.

His surprise quickly turned to an approving smirk, his brows lifting. “Damn. Some of these are really good. I told you that camera was a good investment.”

“Did you do this?” Corvus hissed, pushing Rook into the elevator to give them some privacy as the bravest of the students still lingered in the archways leading out the classrooms.

“Why the fuck would I?” Rook shoved Corvus back, tossing the photos unceremoniously on the floor. “She was useful in my back pocket. She won’t be now.”
