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“It was a power play, then?” I found myself asking aloud, needing to know.

Rook tipped his head slightly to one side as he considered me. “You worried, Ghost?”

My blood pulsed with electricity at his words, and I was wholly unable to stop myself as I reentered the elevator with them, shouldering Corvus out of my way. Making the doors chime loudly as they were kept from closing again.

“If it was a power play, then I’m impressed.”

He frowned.

“But if you ever touch her again I’ll have to kill her. And cut your balls off.”

That frown vanished, his eyes sparking with amusement.

I could hardly believe I’d said it, but I realized I meant every word. He was mine and no one else’s.

He licked his lips. “Understood.”


A bang outside the elevator made the three of us exit to where Grey still stood, watching the scene playing by the office.

The principal, a man I’d only ever seen once besides now, tried to maintain order among his staff as Mrs. June was escorted out of the office between two police officers.

She caught sight of Rook and paused, her chin beginning to quiver.

Rook pressed two fingers to his lips in a silent salute to her, not a care in the world. Mrs. June spat onto the floor in his general direction, her face going red despite the thick coating of makeup covering it. “Fuck you,” she shouted. “You sick bastard!”

“You loved it,” Rook called after her as the officers moved in to restrain her, dragging her from the building now as she struggled, cursing and kicking all the way.

Another officer exited the office, leaving the principal’s side with his sights set on Rook. And wouldn’t you fucking know it, his name badge read Vick.

I snorted.

He looked nothing like his phony counterpart. Round through the middle with a saucer sized bald spot on his crown that he was trying to cover with a midlife crisis toupee that looked more like roadkill.

“Sawyer Clayton,” the officer said, and I sensed more than saw Rook stiffen beside me. “We have a few questions if you wouldn’t mind coming down to the—”

“I would mind,” he hissed. “And it’s Rook.”

“Mr. Clayton—”

But Rook was already gone, vanishing down the north hall, likely headed straight for the exit.

Officer Vick cleared the gap between us with uneasy steps, fumbling to get a card from his pocket.

He held it out to me instead of the two guys at both of my sides.

It wasn’t so long ago another Officer Vick was handing me a card. I wasn’t going to fuck this up twice.

“Would you give me a call when he’s ready to talk?”

I took the card he offered with a smile and tore it into four equal pieces, letting them fall to the floor to join the photographs when I was finished.

“If that’s all?” I prodded when he just stared, his face going a little green around the edges.

He left without another word and a rush of pure ecstasy rushed through me, making me almost cringe at its intensity. Man, if you could bottle up that feeling and sell it…

The PA system crackled to life as the principal made an announcement to the academy from the front office.

“Good morning students, please be advised that all classes for the day have been canceled. Any due assignments are to be submitted through the online portal unless otherwise instructed by your professor. The computer lab, cafeteria, and library will remain open for your use. Thank you.”

“Well, shit.”

Corvus and Grey were staring at me, I realized. Looking more than slightly impressed by my little spectacle with the real Vick.

I gave myself a spiritual pat on the back and shrugged. “What? I wasn’t about to fuck that up twice.”

Grey smirked, clearing his throat as he went back to studying the picture in his hand. The obvious question in his eyes likely the same one we were all thinking.

“These are definitely from Rook’s hidden camera,” Grey mused. “But if he didn’t do this, then who did?”
