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Ava Jade jumped on the spot, loosening up, and as the opening tone of Primal Ethos’ Gravedigger came over the speaker and Pinkie shouted her name, I yanked her in for a viscous kiss, biting her bottom lip hard. She grunted into my mouth before pulling away, licking the small droplet of blood there with a malicious gleam in her eyes and a smile making the tiny cut open more.

“We’re right behind you,” Grey assured her, and she stepped out of the curtain, and all proof of her excitement or nerves gone in the blink of an eye. She stalked through the crowd, dead-eyed and with her chin raised. I wished I could’ve seen her face.

Not a single man in attendance dared reach out to touch her. Instead, they backed away as she walked, parting like the red sea. Going silent as the song I chose grew to a loud crescendo of violence all around us. Promising blood. Promising violence. Promising the show of their fucking lives.

Ava Jade. My ghost. Tonight’s gravedigger.

Distantly, I could hear Corvus cursing at my back. Could see the distaste on Diesel’s expression as he watched from his high top table near to the bar. Didn’t give two flying fucks about either. It was the perfect song for her entry. And now that everyone knew it was Corvus, why hide it?

He needed to own that shit.

Take control of it before it suffocated him.

Ava Jade stepped through the ropes, the long line of her body bending in the most delicious way until she stood next to Pinkie, waiting, entirely immobile even though I could sense the latent power pulsing beneath her flesh and muscle.

“And in the opposite corner,” Pinkie hollered. “Andrea ‘Alpha’ Stone!”

Gravedigger faded into another song, one I didn’t recognize, but had to admit was pretty badass.

She swaggered out from the opposite curtain, and I watched her approach as I took the petroleum from Grey. I was always the one on the other side of these ropes. I wanted to be the face she saw when she got through her first round. Her second. Her third.

I would take care of her.

Alpha stepped up through the ropes, unfurling to her full height, and a sour taste filled my mouth. It’d been a minute since I’d seen her in the flesh, and she’d clearly gone up a weight class since then. Standing at about six-two with a frame damn near as wide as Grey’s, she looked like a monster beside my Ghost. Her thighs roughly the size of Ava Jade’s waist. Her blonde hair pulled back into a low bun at the nape of her neck.

Her lips twisted. Every muscle flexed.

“This is so fucking lopsided,” Corvus growled, throwing a clawed hand through his mussed hair.

“She can handle it,” I reminded him. “And Diesel knows it. It’s why he set it up.”

“He bet against her,” Grey reminded me.

“Did he?” I challenged him, slipping a curious eye his way. “Or did it only make it seem that way to light a fire under her ass? Because he knows exactly what she’s capable of.”

Grey’s brows drew, considering that.

I didn’t even realize I’d be considering it until the words left my mouth, but there it was. And I’d be fucking shocked if it weren’t the truth. She’d bested everything Diesel had thrown at her. If he thought she’d be taken down by this bitch, he wasn’t the wise man I always thought him to be.

“...winner by submission or knockout,” Pinkie was saying as the lights in the underbelly of Sanctum went low, all save for the ones above the ring. “Fighters, ready!”

My stomach fluttered, and I clenched my teeth against the sensation as it went straight to my cock.

Pinkie stepped back as Alpha’s entrance song quieted and the metallic groan of the cage overhead sounded. Pinkie exited the ring as the cage clanked down, locking Ava Jade in with Alpha.

I gripped the cold metal, pushing up on a crate to make sure I didn’t miss a thing.

“Ghost,” I called through the bars, and she turned, her face so hard it could’ve been cut from marble. I pointed at her opponent with two fingers, never losing my hold on her attention. “End that bitch.”

She nodded once and rolled her shoulders back, widening her stance as Pinkie lifted the shining metal whistle to his lips.

The sound of it rang through the room, sending Alpha into an immediate feral attack. I grinned, watching Ava Jade deftly avoid the advance, landing a solid jab to Alpha’s ribs, and she rolled out of the way and sprang back to her feet, ready.

Alpha bared her teeth, the knot between her brows telling me she’d misjudged her opponent. It wouldn’t be the last time.

Ava Jade blocked Alpha’s next blow with her forearm, but failed to see the nasty kick coming, the blow to my Ghost’s shin nearly sending her down.

The crowd roared at the hit, cheering for Alpha, and I wanted to eat each and every one of them for breakfast.
