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I settled for snatching up the nearest Armani shirt, yanking the fucker to me to knock my skull into his, rendering him a mess of unmoving muscle and flesh on the soiled cement floor. I spat on him, feeling Grey’s arms tug me back a step to stop the kick I’d been about to throw into his abdomen.

Grey pushed me back to the metal bars, back to the fight, and I growled as I watched Alpha land another kick to Ava Jade’s thigh, bringing a bright red tint to the surface of her skin.

If it weren’t for the fact she took it with a smile, I’d have been tempted to rip through these bars and snap Alpha’s neck.

Fuck, I wanted to.

Watching her wasn’t helping.

It was making my need that much worse. My violent soul longed to go to war with hers. To be at her side. Fight as one.

Watching was a form of torture, but when Ava Jade landed the next beautiful hit, forcing Alpha to stagger back two steps, her hand reflexively going to her mangled jaw, I almost came.

“Yeah!” I screamed through the bars. “Take that bitch, Ghost!”

My hand found my cock through my jeans, and I pushed against it, trying to fix its position with a snarl on my lips.

Pinkie blew the whistle for the end of the match, just before Ava Jade was about to strike.

“No!” I growled at Pinkie, slamming my palms against the bars.

“Rook,” Corvus growled beside my ear, but I was already climbing up, pushing and unlocking the cage door to step through, hollering back over my shoulder. “Get me a fucking whiskey.”

Ava Jade came to the corner and Grey stepped through behind me, setting the stool down for my Ghost, but she didn’t want to sit. She paced back and forth in the corner like a caged tigress, only stopping when I forced her, shoving her against the bars. I scooped the petroleum onto the back of my hand and held her against the bars as I swiped my fingers into it to run it over her forehead and cheeks. Over the cut on her brow to stop it leaking into her eyes.

“She hits like a fucking truck,” Ava Jade said between panting breaths.

“Then you hit her harder.”

She opened her mouth to allow the straw through as Grey pushed it in. She pulled greedily at the water, and I knocked the straw from her lips.

“Not too much,” I cautioned. “You’ll cramp.”

Her jaw clenched, but she nodded, breaking free of my hold to storm back to center ring as the next round was announced.

“Rook, come on, man,” Grey was saying, but his words were swallowed up in the roar of the crowd as Pinkie lifted the whistle to his lips and Ava Jade squared off against her opponent.

I let Grey pull me back through the cage door and slam it behind us, the whistle sounding for the second round. I jumped down from the ledge, fingers latched through the metal bars as they circled one another.

Fuck, she moved like liquid, dancing around Alpha as though there weren’t bruises the size of bread loaves blooming on her legs. There was no denying it. My Ghost was bred for this. She was made from different stuff. Maybe the same stuff I was made from.

Something rougher, harder, darker than regular people.

Ava Jade feigned to the left, psyching out Alpha to land an insane hit to her right temple, jumping to throw her entire body weight into the throw.

Blood spattered over the floor at their feet as Alpha tried to regain her balance, but Ava Jade wasn’t having it. My Ghost closed the gap between them, sweeping her legs out to knock Alpha to the ground. The big bitch went down hard, but she got hold of Ava Jade’s ankle, twisting it to take my Ghost down with her.

“Get off the floor!” Grey was shouting.

“Fuck,” I heard Corvus curse behind me.

My teeth locked in my jaw, watching as Alpha dragged Ava Jade close, grabbing hold of her when she sat up to try to get free. The next bit happened so fast I couldn’t be sure how they got there, but Alpha’s arm snaked around Ava Jade’s neck, her arm trapped beneath one of Alpha’s knees, the other punching uselessly at Alpha’s shoulder.

Ghost’s face started to turn red, her light eyes bulging as Alpha choked off her air supply with a vicious sneer on her lips.

Corvus shouted uselessly, threatening murder if Pinkie didn’t blow the fucking whistle, but I locked my eyes on Ava Jade, and when she found my gaze, I lent her the strength she needed. My head tipped in a small nod.

You know how to get out of this, I told her. Stay calm.
