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Drake lifted his hands, backing up a step. “Sorry, man. Just wanted to congratulate the winner. Glad I put my money on you, Ava Jade.”

Over his shoulder, I noticed the other guy, the one Ava Jade said gave her the creeps. The fucker who matched the description Becca gave of her booty-call boyfriend. He, too, seemed to have bet on Ava Jade and was lifting a stack of bills from an envelope with a wicked grin on his mouth.

His head jerked up, sensing my eyes on him, and he stuffed the money back in the envelope, flashing me a set of perfect teeth before turning away to head in the direction of the bar.

I boxed Ava Jade in on her other side and Rook trailed behind us, growling at anyone else who looked like they might interrupt our procession out of the club.

AJ’s knuckles turned white as she gripped the railing, hauling herself up the stairs and out of the noise and heat of the club. When the door opened, she couldn’t get through it fast enough, tipping her head up to breathe in deeply through her nose, staring up at the waning moon.

My ears rang in the sudden quiet, and I flipped up the collar of my jacket at the chill in the air. “You guys want to wait here? I’ll bring the Rover around.”

I didn’t want her to have to walk all the way around the lot if she didn’t have to.

Rook lit up a cigarette, nodding.

“Stop,” Ava Jade said and something in her tone made my skin prickle.

She stared up at the building across the street, tipping her head to one side. I followed her line of sight and cursed.

“Get the fuck down!” Corvus roared, slamming his body into Ava Jade’s, sending her down to the pavement just as the echo of the shot broke the sound barrier and the round embedded itself in the wall behind them.

My gun was out in an instant and Rook roared as a gang of men rounded the building and rushed us.

He sped straight ahead, zigzagging as the ten men fired at him, taking a bullet to his leg before he drew his own guns, firing wildly.

“Get her out of here!” I shouted at Corv who was hauling AJ to her feet.

I aimed and fired, hitting an Ace square in the chest before he could get another shot on Rook. The fucker crumpled to the pavement as Rook danced through the rest of them, a beast set loose on a herd of sheep.

“Fuck that,” Ava Jade said, gasping as Rook was hit again. Corvus didn’t try to stop her as she sprinted forward, following her instead, already firing.

The glint of the sniper’s rifle above reflected in the moonlight, and I took off after them, making an uneven path.

“Don’t stay still,” I hissed at them as the first of the Aces turned their attention away from my brother and toward us. Big fucking mistake.

Rook grabbed the Ace by the head and twisted, the crack of snapping bone resounding in the street.

Headlights flashed over us before jarring to a stop, turning around to flee the scene.

The Ace directly in front of me lifted his gun to aim at my face, and I sped the final step, knocking it from his hand. But before I could fire a shot of my own, the whisper of steel cutting through wind filtered into my ears.

He went down with a silver pommel embedded in his neck.

Ava Jade’s hard eyes found mine, and I nodded. “Keep moving!”

She nodded back, going to Rook as three more Aces began to surround him. She pressed her back to his and threw another knife. The gurgling cry of a dying Ace echoed through the night, telling me her aim was true.

Rook dropped his mag and refilled it, hooking an arm around AJ’s waist to bring her to the ground as someone shot at her. As they both rose, blades and bullets flew. I rushed up and kicked one Ace in the back of his knee, sending him to the ground before pumping two bullets into his skull.

The screech of tires cut through the sounds of fighting and gunfire and my pulse picked up, doubling its tempo as I whirled to see the white van. To see its door opening and the men pouring out. Armed with a lot more than fucking handguns. An icy cold slunk down my spine.


The Aces never planned to go quietly. And they never planned to try to weather the storm. They were out for blood. Live or die. I should’ve fucking known. We should’ve known. Lenny Ace was nothing like his uncle was. He had no honor.

“Three o’clock!” I shouted, already firing, rolling to dodge a few stray shots.

“The alley!” Corvus bellowed. “Rook! Sparrow! Move!”
