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Rook finished off the last Ace in front of him and grabbed Ava Jade, dragging her to the alley. She fought against his hold, fingers reaching to jerk one of her blades out of the body of a man at their feet. The only blade she had. The rest, she’d already thrown.

No. Bad idea. The alley would provide cover from the sniper, but it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Heat seared into my side, and I hissed, shouting as the realization that I’d been shot made the pain intensify.

“Grey!” Corvus was yelling, and I sensed Rook and Ava Jade had stopped.

A hail of gunfire sounded before I could move, and my eyes widened as I realized I was directly in its path, distracted.

A body knocked into mine and the pop! pop! of Corvus’ shots rang in my ears as he laid down cover fire, hauling me away. Grunting as a bullet grazed past his face, brilliant red streaming down to his chin.

The others had to be on their way out.

There was no way they couldn’t hear this. Right?

Even underground, with music pumping, Diesel would hear the pop of gunfire in the street outside, wouldn’t he?

And the camera, it would’ve picked up something. But was someone manning the cams right now?

God fucking damnit.

Corvus shoved me into the alley with Rook and AJ, and I stumbled back, hand clutching the gushing wound to my side.

“Fuck, Grey!” AJ was shouting, rushing to me, tearing my jacket back to see the blood seeping through my fingers.

“He’s hit!”

“We all are,” Corvus growled, hesitating in the mouth of the alley. His gaze flicked to Rook behind me, fixing him with a dark stare. “Get them out of here,” he muttered before turning back and running from the alley, drawing gunfire and the pounding of heavy booted feet after him.

“Corvus!” Ava Jade hollered, still clutching me. “He’s going to get himself killed.”

Her voice wobbled, and I didn’t dare look, couldn’t bear to see the pain I knew I would find in her eyes because she was right. And Corvus knew it.

“Fuck that,” Rook said, switching out his mag to the last one he had on him.

I did the same, extricating myself from Ava Jade, removing my hand from the seeping wound to my side. Getting up.

It didn’t seem to have hit anything important, and judging by the wetness leaking down my right ass cheek, the bullet had gone through and through. Blood loss would be my only issue. I’d survived worse.

“Stay here,” I tried, grabbing AJ by her wrist, knowing it was useless. “Find someplace to hide and call Diesel.”

She squinted at me, shaking her head once, slowly.

“Fuck, AJ.”

“Move.” Rook pushed between us, jogging out the mouth of the alley as the booted footsteps approached. It was too late now.

“You need to get a gun,” I told her, my voice hard. I lifted her hand to my mouth and kissed it, feeling the tacky wetness of blood smearing over my mouth.

She nodded, glancing down at her last blade clutched tightly in her fist. “We need to go.”

Outside, Rook roared as he engaged the half of them that didn’t take off after Corvus.

My brother needed me.

I let AJ’s hand go and swallowed, holding my breath against the pain as I raced from the alley.

I barely managed to dodge the hard side of a pistol as an Ace whipped it at my face, coming around the corner faster than a Mack truck. I fell to my ass to avoid the hit, and AJ sank her blade into the fucker’s jugular, not stopping at a single stab, but going at it three, four, five times before she was satisfied, reaching down to help haul me back to my feet just in time for me to shoot the next one and for her to throw her blade into the chest of the last one coming for us.

I nodded to her, and she nodded back, but something over my shoulder caught her attention, and her face went whiter than the ghost Rook named her for.
