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My guts twisted.

Corvus coughed, a sound of gruff pain, and I turned to find him ten feet from the entrance to the club, surrounded in Aces as they took turns stomping on him. Their heavy booted feet kicked and pushed down, making him jerk and cough, blood coating his lips.

I shot wildly, rushing past Rook, who’d disarmed the three remaining Aces near the alley and was going at them with vicious fists.

I felt AJ on my heels, but we weren’t going to make it there in time.

An Ace, one I recognized from the meet at the warehouse drew his gun and aimed it low, directly at my brother’s head.

I fired, but the gun clicked uselessly against my hand, out of bullets. I tossed it, and a fear unlike anything I’d ever felt before gripped my heart in a vise. No. No, no, no.

The door to the underbelly of Sanctum opened and a body stumbled through, grinning, his easy expression morphing the instant he saw the scene before him. Drake lifted his gun from the back of his waistband and fired.

The head of the man who’d been about to shoot my brother kicked back, and he crumpled to the ground. Ava Jade launched herself onto the back of the Ace next to him, and he cried out as she sank her teeth into his neck.

I nicked the gun from the one next to him and took aim, firing one shot after another, my bullets blasting from the barrel in perfect time with Drake’s as the Aces in the circle around my brother went down one by one, taken by surprise.

Drake refilled his mag just as the door behind him smashed against the cement wall outside and Diesel came swiftly out, the others on his heels.

He wasted no time raising his gun, firing two rounds to finish off the two still doing a death dance with Rook.

I heard his outcry of rage at his prey having been taken from him, but he’d get over it.

“Sniper!” I warned. “Twelve o’clock”

Axel darted ahead to check it out, but it seemed the sniper had fled. There was no glint of metal barrel on the roof opposite us anymore.

“What the fuck is going on out here?” Diesel demanded, his face a mosaic of rage as he came to us, stooping to help a coughing Corvus from the asphalt.

“Fan out,” he bellowed to the Saints at his back. “Clean this mess up. Bring me any still breathing.”

“Son,” he said, giving Corvus a slight shake. He gripped Corvus by the face, forcing his eldest son to look at him. “Look at me.”

Corvus’ blinked, coming back to himself with a grimace. He jerked out of Diesel’s hard grip to spit blood onto the ground.

“Hey,” Diesel said, slapping his cheek. “Look at me.”

Diesel checked his eyes before judging the rest of him. “Are you hit?”

He lifted the hem of Corvus’ t-shirt, checking for injury, his gaze snagging on me. On the dark red staining the front of my jeans. “Christ, Grey,” he cursed, releasing Corvus to push my jacket out of the way and assess my wound.

“The fuck did you do that for?” Rook growled as he stalked closer. “I had it.”

But when he saw Dies’ face and Corvus’ distant gaze and beaten body, he stopped talking, his gaze fixing on Ava Jade instead, assessing her.

“Good, Bro?” Rook asked, slapping Corvus on the back, making him cough again.

“Yeah,” Corvus said, his voice garbled as he tugged away from Ava Jade’s helping hands, standing on his own. “Good.”

“Get me a fucking kit,” Diesel hissed at no one in particular, pushing hard against the wound to my side, making air rush in through my clenched teeth.


“Rook, get over here,” Diesel demanded, and Rook came around. “Hold this.”

Rook knelt in front of me and pushed the wadded up fabric against my wound as Diesel accepted a first aid kit from Pinkie and used his teeth to tear open a plastic bag. I bit down as he knocked Rook’s hand out of the way and began packing the wound with clotting powder. Once he was finished, he looked up at me. “Good?”

I nodded. “Good.”
