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“I’m sorry about your mother,” Corvus said. “If it helps you to know it, Damien St. Vincent loved her. He was broken after she passed. And you’re right, it was the reason he left. Because he couldn’t stand living on these streets anymore, knowing that he would never see her on them again. At least, that’s what Diesel told us. It’s a common story. The women we love are taken from us. It’s dangerous business, falling in love with a Saint.”

A knot formed between Becca’s brows, and I could tell she was trying to rectify what Corvus had told her with the narrative she’d constructed in her own mind. She’d placed Damien St. Vincent in the villain’s role in her head, with a wicked devil tongue that seduced her mother ultimately to her death.

She shook her head, clearing it. “Well, that’s why I’m here. I’m not going to let the same thing happen to Ava Jade. Not if there’s anything I can do to stop it.”

Corvus nodded darkly. “And you would give your own life to save hers?”

It was a loaded fucking question.

“Corv,” I said, giving him a what the fuck look, but he didn’t retract his question, still waiting for Becca to reply.

Becca’s lips pulled down at the edges, but when she answered it was with a conviction I hadn’t seen in her up until now. “Yes. I would. She’s my family, and I owe her my life.”

Her words hit me like a fist to the chest, and a breath caught in my throat.

“You’re forgiven,” Corvus said. “But if you betray her again, I’ll gut you myself.”

She swallowed. “Um. Okay?”

“Grey?” Corvus hedged, waiting for his brother to weigh in.

Grey’s gaze landed on me briefly before he spoke. “You’re good,” he told Becca without looking at her.

She smiled, relieved and pressed her hands together as though giving thanks to god above. “Fuck. That’s so good to hear. I half thought you guys would be the ones to kill me if I came back so…”

She wipes the back of her palm across her forehead, laughing awkwardly. “Dodged a bullet here. Literally.”

The room fell silent, and I went to kneel next to Grey, brushing stray black strands of hair away from Rook’s face. Becca grabbed her suitcase, muttering something about going for a shower to give us some privacy.

“He’ll really be okay?” I asked again, the ashen tone of Rook’s skin making me think otherwise.

Grey took my hand, squeezing it. “Yeah. We’ll take shifts keeping an eye on him, but he’ll be just fine. We’re all going to be.”

I wish I believed him, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that things were only going to get worse.
