Page 14 of Jax: Untamed

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“How come I didn’t know about it?”

“I didn’t think it was something to tell. Besides you’ve been busy working and hanging out with Alyssa.”

He was right. All of my time had been consumed with working as much as possible or hanging out with Alyssa. I guess his extra time had been with Jax.

"Well okay, I mean, of course, I trust you. I trust you with my life," my eyes widen at the thought, "it just feels weird to take so much from someone we barely know."

Danny sits up and scoots to the end of the couch this time as his hand lands on my shoulder again affirming me, “The guy is good people. I promise. You know I wouldn’t let anything happen to you.” His arms fly out displaying our surroundings, “and come on, could you get better accommodations?” His smile lights me up

I shake my head unable to hide my grin.

“I’m gonna take care of us kiddo. It’s our chance, to start new. Fresh. Just you and me against the world.”

Chapter 7


I watch the angel sleep sometimes. She tosses and turns with nightmares but I stay there letting her feel me…knowing it’s safe.

Sometimes I question if bringing them here was a good idea. It’s piss poor timing with all the heat on our family now that we’re working with the Compano’s. Not to mention if someone spotted one of my runners living under my roof, I'd look like a bonafide pussy. But leaving them there was not an option.

Being this close to her, knowing I can’t touch though is pure fucking torture, but there was no other option. I'll be dammed if I let her stay anywhere near that monster again.

Thank god my mechanic was busy that night and I had to take Danny all the way home. We might have missed it and she might have…

The thought makes me want to spit as fury races through my veins.

I sigh as I situate the cuffs on my sleeves.

I should have killed the bastard. I still think about killing him…often.

I think about dropping the body in the Cooper River.

I head out of my room, walking by the shower, and smell her sweet flowery scent floating out from under the door. I stop and breathe it in as if I'm taking her in my body.

Just thinking about her naked body in there sends shocks straight down to my cock and I rush off before I decide to charge right in there and please that pussy for days.

My jaw clenches in pain remembering my vow not to break this angel. She’s killing me inside and she doesn’t even know it.

I know the danger though, and I won’t put her through it. I will help Danny keep her away from her dad and…then away from me…and for the time being, I'll stay away as much as possible.

I’m sending Danny out with her today to replace some of the clothes they lost while I go visit my father about the new business.

I appear to be first to his house and Reeves arrives next, followed by Preston. We all congregate in the great room and prepare drinks at the bar the old man had put in a few years ago. He said he got tired of having to go to the game room downstairs to make a good drink.

“So, what did we decide?” I speak up first.

“We’re going to Italy,” Reeves offers, pointing to Preston and himself.

“It’s necessary,” my father walks up behind my brothers.

“Agreed,” I clench my teeth.

"Jax you will stay here with me, make everything appear to be running normally. Business as usual while your brothers go situate our direct contact in Italy. No more fucking around with second-party suppliers. We're going straight to the source."

The old man, my brothers and I nod raising and clinking our glasses.

My father hisses after he tosses the liquid down, “When Reeves and Preston get back, we’ll move forward with the grand opening of the club with the Compano’s, and all will seem well.”
