Page 23 of Jax: Untamed

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The next few days went by fast, too fast and for some reason, it felt like Jax was avoiding me. Not much more than a passing glance or one-liner filled the space between us and it felt kind of empty, to be honest.

It was nothing new though. The man was so back and forth I had permanent whiplash.

Still, a part of me awakened when I met him and I never wanted to let that girl die.

You’d think experiencing this life, and the finer things would put a damper on going back to life as Danny and I knew it, but that wouldn’t be the source of my misery. Mine would come from a lack of him. I was pretty sure no one would ever compare to him.

We still had tonight though. Our little get-together would be reminiscent and while I knew it would most likely amount to nothing, I was still going to wear that black dress he asked for. I'd never been with a guy before but if I had to imagine giving up something so special, he would be the one. I was no stranger to his womanizing ways but still…I had this feeling that he'd make me feel so safe and valued…and that would be worth it all.

I wanted to feel safe with him tonight.

"Hey, girl hey!" Alyssa yells from her car as she picks me up from work early.

This was my last day here and before I got in the car, I took one last magnificent view of the place, thanking my lucky stars for the experience.

I suck in a breath and get in the car, realizing I am pushing down the end of one era and getting ready for another.

The little apartment Danny put a deposit on wasn't much but it was perfect for us. It didn't smell like booze and smoke and it felt clean. We'd be starting over…completely, without a bit of furniture but we got some disposable utensils and plates along with a couple of air mattresses for the time being, and that would be enough. For the first time in a long time, I didn't just have hopes for a new future, I actually felt like we were in one.

A short ride later and we arrive at Jax’s big white house.

“I’m gonna miss this place,” Alyssa sighs.

“Yeah, me too…kind of.”

“Well you could always marry Mr. Studmuffin and I could visit you all the time,” she winks and chuckles and I laugh.

She still doesn’t know about the kiss and I prefer to keep it that way. It meant nothing…to him…and that would be embarrassing to explain honestly.

“Yeah, fat chance, he’s way out of my league, “ We get out and head to the door, “Besides, I wouldn’t be cut out for a life like this. I don’t need all this stuff. It’s kinda…toomuch.”

“Speak for yourself,” she giggles again.

I put my purse down on the kitchen counter, getting a glass for both of us, and as I head to the fridge, I notice a note on the counter.

Food coming. Take the delivery.

He didn’t sign it but I know it’s from Jax.

I open the fridge and see it completely stocked with an array of beer, “O…kay…” I grab the jug of sweet tea and pour the drinks, “I guess there will be drinking tonight.” I turn and look at Alyssa, “You gonna stay over?”

“I can!”

"Well, you're not drinking and driving that's for sure."

“No ma’am, I’ll be happy to stay! You’ll just have to lend me clothes.”

“You got it.”

We decided to take advantage of the alone time and take a quick dip in the pool. I let Alyssa borrow the two-piece Danny bought me at Walmart last week and I just wore my underwear and bra.

As soon as we got down there we jumped right in. We floated, talked, and laughed for a while until Alyssa decided to tan. I take advantage of the free room and do some laps.

“Your phone is going off like crazy girl.”

“Huh?” I come up for air.
