Page 32 of Jax: Untamed

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She’s shaking his hand!

“God dammit firefly, stop it. You should be pissed.”

“What’s she-“

“Why is she getting in the fucking car?”

She pulls off and his car follows her and I punch my steering wheel making a loud honk. I turn on my car and follow and they finally get to a deli.

“Cheap fucker.”

He took her to a fucking deli?

“Come on firefly. You’re better than that?”

I get lucky when they take a table outside, and I’m parked across the street in my SUV. I’m not worried about anyone seeing in my dark windows. I had them made this way for a reason.

The lunch looks a little awkward. Her face looks tense and a little strained as she tries to remain accommodating. I can’t hear what’s being said but he appears to be doing most of the talking.

Fucking loser.

After the most painful hour ever, the waitress brings a check and he seems to be patting himself down looking for a wallet.

“Come on dude. Oldest trick in the book.”

The fucker is actually trying to act like he forgot his wallet so she’ll pay.

Her face falls flat and she pulls her wallet out handing a card to the waitress.

“Oh come on firefly don’t give in!” I realize I’m getting a little too loud in my frustration and rein it in.

At least it’s almost over.

They finally emerge from the restaurant and walk towards their cars that are parallel parked in front of it. They stop in the middle of the cars and he seems to be-

“No…come on no! Don’t tell me you’re actually gonna try-“

A sigh of relief blows out as she pushes his advance away. She holds her hand out to shake his and I can’t help the laugh that comes out.

That’s my firefly.

His face contorts after she turns for her car and he appears to be pouting as he pulls off rather quickly.

A notification buzzes my phone. She texted Megan.

Chalene: Date was a total bust. Can I come over till work?

Megan: Aw that sucks.

Megan: Sure thing babe.

I think of following the pitiful excuse for a man and torturing him and killing him…slowly…but then I consider the amount of time that would take away from watching over her and I decide not to.

I’m sure she won’t be seeing him again anyways.

Chapter 16

