Page 31 of Jax: Untamed

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“Oh…” I cross my arms processing his words, “I guess you’re right.”

"Yeah," his arms lift in the air. "Look I was just trying to do something nice. Can you just give me a chance? Let's go get some lunch," he examines my features, "I'll even follow you like you wanted," he stutters and something about his tone added to the explanation brings my guards back down.

“Yeah…Okay. Yeah…sorry. I was just caught off guard.” I’m sure I just wasn’t used to this dating thing yet.”

"Hey, it's no problem. Let's just move on okay?"

I nod and shake the hand he’s outstretched as if we’re meeting all over again, “I’m Kyle.”

I laugh, “I’m Chalene.”



What the fuck is he doing here?

I already checked up on the guy when I got home last night. I barely slept worried about this shit. I know his address, car, employment, you name it.

And that’s his car…but it shouldn’t behere.

They were supposed to be meeting. Did the plans change?

I race through my phone and to their messages and I see no change.

He’s just sitting there…

I stretch my neck and pull up my binoculars to see what he's doing. His phone is in his hand and a notification vibrates my phone. He texted her.

“Holy fuck man!”

I read their exchanges as they come in one after the other in record time and she’s pissed. I can tell. I’m pissed.

I reach for my glove compartment, opening it and reaching for my gun. I rest it on my lap as I read the last text.


She’s coming down.

No…he’s clearly dangerous.

My hand steadies on my gun as I toss my phone down and wait for her to come to confront him.

I swear to god if he fucking touches a hair on her pretty little head.

My stomach is in knots and my whole body is on high alert as I get ready to protect what's mine.

Her long red hair bounces in the wind of her gate as she races to his car, where he is now standing outside of the door.

I crack my window down hoping to hear but they’re too far away. My hand never leaves my gun though. I’m ready.

I'll fucking drop him in the middle of the street, broad daylight if I have to.


They seem to be smiling now.

“What the actual fuck?”
