Page 39 of Jax: Untamed

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She seems to settle back into place on the couch and I sit next to her, elbows propped on my knees.

“So, are you staying?”

She rubs her legs and readjusts them keeping me on the edge of my seat and then finally answers, “I guess. Just for a bit, while we figure this out.”

“Alright then.”

She nudges me, “I think I’ll take a real drink this time,” I see her finally look a little relaxed as she accepts her fate and leans back on my couch.

I squint my eyes at her. I don’t see her drink much.

“I’ll take what you had.”

“Since when do you drink whiskey?”

“Since now,” she smiles deviously and it’s almost too much to bear.

I get up without another word and retrieve another glass and the liquor from the kitchen, setting it on the mantle next to mine and refilling both. I pour us both a glass and hand it to her. She sips slowly, followed by a soured face and bit of a cough.

I can’t help the laugh.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Oh nothing,” I tease, stretching back on the seat next to her.

This is the most we’ve talked…ever. I’ve never let myself be free around her for fear of what’s happening right now. I’m falling more and more.

Her first glass has her loose as she catches me up on life. A life I already knew about. She tells me how her first year without Danny was. How hard it was. How lonely. How she wasn’t sure she’d make it at times. How the only thing that kept her going once she dropped out of high school was knowing that if she didn’t keep going, then Danny’s death would have been in vein.

She shared that she felt like the only reason they were at my house that summer was because of her. If she hadn’t come home early, that might not have happened with their father, they would have still been in that trailer and he would have never been in the car with me at that moment.

Hearing the burden she’s been carrying is tough.

I expected her to cry, to break down in the moment and I would have held her this time around, but she didn’t. She sits tall and strong, staring deep inside of me.

“That was then though. I’m getting better.”

I place my hand on her shoulder and the touch of her skin sends goosebumps up my arms and down my legs. She doesn’t shrug me away for the second time tonight. She actually lets me touch her and it feels dangerous.

I’ve ached for her as I’ve watched her, longed for a moment like this all too long. Tonight was the perfect storm to put her exactly where I’d always wanted her. Here with me.

“Why are you so nice to me?” her head whips my direction. “I mean, you’ve saved me twice now, but you didn’t even know me, or like me. We barely spoke that summer. We-“

I push my finger to her lips, those sweet supple lips and she freezes, “I always liked you. From the moment I walked in that diner, I knew there was something about you. Something that was going to ruin me, change me, haunt me forever.”

The words come out in a whisper and after they do I realize we’re only inches apart now. I feel her breath on me and it’s magic. I’ve waited for this moment for so long. I shouldn’t be doing this. I’ve tried for so long to shield her from me, but I can’t anymore. A magnetic force ignites between us and my free hand slips into her red hair pushing her lips to mine.

An explosion of honey and vanilla fills my mouth as I take my time, nibbling on her bottom lip, pressing our lips together again and again, slipping my tongue inside. She moans as our wet flesh connects and I feel her body succumb to mine.

This moment, her body, her taste, it’s everything I ever imagined.

I pull her body flush to mine but I don’t rush. I settle on this moment.

One by one her arms slowly wrap around my neck and carress me as she breaths me in. We barely part, slowly, sensually, in complete rhythm with each other. She was always meant to be here.

I lean her back on the cushion, climbing slowly over her and I can’t help my aching rod from pressing into her hips as I slide between her legs. The fabric of our clothes is a painful illusion of what these past two years have been for me…keeping us apart. The raw animalistic side of me wants to rip her clothes off fast and rough and bury myself deep inside, but the new me, the Jax I’m going to be to be worthy of her love knows to take it slow.

My hand finds the bottom seam of her shirt and slides it up her warm skin. Her body shakes under me as her hips begin to roll. My fingers find her nipple through the sheer fabric of her bra and I caress it, making her moan into my mouth.
