Page 47 of Entwined Souls

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“I hope you never come home crying because you’re sad, even though I will miss you because Iwantyou to be so fucking happy with my brother. But you can come back here any time, you know that,” Alley said, fighting to hold back more tears.

“Ditto,” Summer added. “But if you have to come back because he hurt you, I will kick his ass.”

All of us stepped closer and embraced again. Then a throat cleared from the doorway. “You ladies ready to roll, and head over to the house to unpack the stuff?” Braxton asked.

“Hold your damn horses oh brother of mine. Can’t you see we are having a moment? You don’t rush three girls!” Alley smarted off to her brother, which was nothing new. We all had a good laugh.

“Stop your weepy shit, sis, you know you can come to the house whenever you want, and we're doing the BBQ tonight too, so you will be together still for hours.”

Not missing his shot, Braxton fired right back. I swear these two were kids all over again when they got going. They had always gotten along and were playful though, so it was fun to watch.

“Fine,” Alley huffed. “Let’s go, ladies before my brother gets his boxers in a bunch because he hasn’t moved his girl to his place fast enough.” And with that parting shot, she left the room, with Summer trailing right behind her.

Brax moved in closer and stood in front of me. With a worried look on his face, he dropped his forehead to mine.Aww, it’s the sweet moments like this that are going to be so amazing to live with.“You sure you want this? Because if you're not ready, I’ll understand.”

I knew he would, that’s the kind of guy he was, but I wanted it like my next breath. Was I nervous? Sure, but I loved him, and this was my chance for true happiness. Bottom line, I was taking it.

“I do, Brax… trust me, I want this.” Raising up on my toes, I kissed the man of my dreams, then pulled back and looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m ready for this with you.Onlyyou.”

The mega kilowatt smile that he bestowed on me was so powerful it almost took me to my knees. Lethal, I’m telling you the man was like my own type of crack, and I was addicted. But hey, this was legal and only good for my body, unlike the other stuff. Like every night type of good. I giggled like a schoolgirl. I seemed to do that a lot around him.

“Let’s go, Dimples, you can explain your sinful thoughts later.” After winking, he turned and pulled me out of the bedroom.

Everyone was waiting outside and ready to go. Heading out, I locked the door and glanced at the house, Braxton right beside me. Then, I looked at him and smiled. “To new beginnings,” I said.

It didn’t take long to put everything away and now we were getting food ready while enjoying each other’s company. The guys were outside all standing around the BBQ and the three of us girls were in the kitchen. It was different, but at the same time, I felt at home in Braxton’s house too. Shit, he kept reminding me to say our house, so that was something I would have to get used to.

Our house, I never would have thought this would happen, but here I was. “Someone pinch me.”

“What the hell are you talking about, you Ding Dong?” Summer asked, wearing a cheesy grin.

“Well, I was just thinking how crazy this all seems that I’m living here with the man I had a crush on so many years ago. Did you two ever really imagine me with Brax, or living with him right after he came home? I didn’t, even if I am ecstatic at the turn my life has taken, so I was telling one of you to pinch me so I knew it was real.”

They laughed, and Summer and Alley both leaned in and pinched an arm.

“Ouch!” I squeaked, arms crossed, rubbing the spots where they’d pinched my skin. “I didn’t mean that hard or the both of you!”

“You asked for it,” Alley said, shrugging. “Whether or not any of us thought this would happen, I for one am happy for you both. Although, the way you two watch and look at each other is a little sickening.” Now it was my turn, so I leaned over and punched her.

“Hey, what was that for?” she asked, shocked. “I was just being honest.”

“I, for one, think it’s sweet. Our little Jurnee is all grown up and has caught one fine man. Geez, Alley, you wrote all those sappy romance novels, you would think you would be used to all this. Don’t you want the same thing?” Summer gave her a look like,well?

Alley glanced at the big French doors that led onto the deck where the guys still stood, and a look of longing crossed her face. But it was quickly replaced with one of utter pain. I knew that she was thinking about Landon and didn’t understand what exactly he made her feel and why, but she was so torn up. I knew she would blow me off, but I spoke up anyway.

“If he makes you feel so many things, that they pour off you for all to see, why not just go talk to him, and maybe you two can work out whatever the issue is?” Alley stiffened, but I didn’t stop. “You guys used to be good friends, he talked to you Alley, almost more than he talked to the guys. What happened?” The look she gave me stopped any more words from falling off my lips. I never wanted to hurt Alley, and that’s exactly what it looked like I’d done.

“Okay, I’m sorry. We won’t talk about that.” I told her, wanting things to go back to the way they were seconds before. “We could talk about Summer and Gyth if that makes everyone feel better.”

“Omg, Jurnee!” Cheeks red, Summer rolled her eyes. “There is no Gyth, he is just a friend. Toeveryone,by the way.” Alley cleared her throat.

As for Summer—she froze as if knowing she was busted.

I immediately turned to see what Alley was looking at. Yup, just as I thought, and I was sure Summer caught on too. Gyth and all the guys had started in the house, with Gyth in the lead. Summer slowly turned and their gazes met. I’m not sure by the look on his face he fully agreed, but just like our girl, he was fighting their mutual attraction too. Why I had no clue, but one day it was gonna blow up in their faces.

Kace being his usual self, helped break the tension. “Hey, Jurnee, you sure you want to live here with this guy?” he asked, gesturing over his shoulder to Braxton. “I mean, if you ever get sick of this shithead you could always move in with me.”

Braxton growled low and deep, then smacked Kace in the back of the head. “Shut it, asshole, you don’t even have your own place, you’re still mooching off Gyth here.”Kace sure gets smacked upside the head a lot.
