Page 48 of Entwined Souls

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Everyone got a laugh at their banter, and the serious moment was over. The guys finished pouring into the kitchen with the food off the grill and everyone started making plates. Taking our dinner to the outdoor table, we savored the beautiful evening and good conversation. Sure, there were some awkward moments here and there, with my friends trying their hardest to fight off their undeniable feelings for the men around us, but for the most part, it was light, carefree and a great first night in my new home. As I looked around the table, I smiled, thinking how special all our friends were. I didn’t have much to bring, so we didn’t need everyone, but they still wanted to be here for us today.

The evening had wound down and the guys said their goodbyes first, then headed out. Now I was standing by the door with my besties thinking how weird it was I wasn’t going home with them. This was it, the first night away from them in a long damn time. It was like taking off your training wheels and learning to go it alone.Would I fall, coast, or ride like the wind?

Once again, I found myself sandwiched between my two girls and almost squashed to death. Then pulling back we said our see ya laters.

“Remember what I said earlier, you always have a place with us, but embrace your new home. You belong here. I can feel it, as well as see it.” Alley gave me a sweet smile. “The two of you played perfect hostess to your friends like an old married couple, and it’s only been a few hours living in the same house. What’s meant to be, will be. Enjoy it, girlfriend.” With that, she gave me one last squeeze and let Summer do her thing.

“I’ll just keep it short and sweet. Live like there’s no tomorrow. So in other words, have wild monkey sex and enjoy every minute of it. Love ya girl.” Then she hugged me too. I swatted her arm playfully. “You are crazy, but I still love you too.”

Damn, I was glad Braxton was giving us girls some time alone. Busy cleaning up in the kitchen, which was just awesome from my standpoint, he thankfully didn’t hear Summer’s racy comment.

“First of all, I love both of you more than words can say, thank you for your support. And Summer, I may just take your advice.”

“Closing my ears now,” Alley said.

We all laughed, threw our arms around each other one last time, and then they left. Shutting the door and locking it behind them, I leaned my back against the wood and looked around, letting out a sigh. Wow, this is where I lived now. All my life I was scared to truly let someone in like this, but with Braxton it was different. He’d broken down my walls, and damn fast too I must say.

“Hey, Dimples, you good?” Brax asked as he walked into the entryway. Then he held his arm out and extended it towards me with his hand open for me to take.

“I’m perfect,” I replied and reached out and took his palm in mine. His simple touch warmed me all over and I smiled at him.

“That you are, babe, let’s go to bed.”

Bed, with Brax. Sounded freaking awesome.

Chapter Thirty-Three


My head had beenin the clouds all day at work. I was so excited that it was Friday and Brax and I were both getting home at a decent time tonight, as we were planning to cook and watch a movie. Just the two of us relaxing at the house sounded amazing. It had been a whirlwind two weeks since I had moved in.

In fact, it had been perfect.

So far, we were very compatible living together, working well with one another, and we got along great. My fears of rushing things had begun vanishing fast. Each day that went by was better than the one before it and we kept growing as a couple. Sometimes work would bring one of us home later than the other, but we understood, and the one of us who was home would cook and have dinner ready for the other when they got in. But most evenings we cooked together, then once a week went out.

Braxton said that tonight was date night, because we needed it, and should always have one from time to time for years to come. When he talked about the future that way, my heart did little flips. I was so happy and was on cloud nine.

But that cloud came crashing down to earth when I heard footsteps hurriedly approaching, along with a little girl’s familiar heart-wrenching cries. Bridgette, one of the younger high school volunteers rushed through my door with Embry’s hand clutched in hers. Tears were pooled in her soft, baby blues and the sight devastated me.

“I’m sorry, Jurnee, I haven’t been able to calm her down since one of the kids was talking about going to see his dad this weekend.”

“That’s fine, you can leave her here with me and go back to the room to help out there with the other kids.” Letting go of Embry’s hand that she held, Bridgette left the room and my little angel just stood there, tears cascading down her beautiful little face.

Coming out from behind my desk, I sat down on the rug I had in the corner of my office, with all the pillows, some books, and toys. Then I patted my lap, letting Embry know there was a place there for her. She ran right up and flopped down in the center of my legs and cried until she was hiccupping and could barely talk. Rubbing small circles on her back in a soothing motion, the tears finally slowed a little.

“Can you tell me what’s wrong honey?”

Her words broke me.

“I don’t want to s-see my d-daddy ever... he scares me. I w-want to go home with y-you.” Struggling to get her words out as her cries increased again, she smashed her little face to my body and hugged me tightly. As I held her, I knew with every beat of my heart and hers, that we were meant to be together. She wasmine, this beautiful little one was meant to be with me. I couldn’t make promises I couldn’t keep, I wouldn’t do that to her, but she had to know how I felt about her. I pulled in a deep breath, getting my emotions in check, so I could talk to her without crying as well. She needed me to be strong.

“Angel, look at me,” I whispered in her ear. As she leaned back, the mix of sorrow, fear, and tears on her face would have brought me to my knees if I hadn’t already been on the ground. I almost had given in and made a promise I shouldn’t, because I couldn’t stand to see her like this. But, having been a small child who suffered from being let down, I held back. She needed words though, to know how much someone cared about her.

“Baby, it’s gonna be okay. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but I will do everything I can to make sure you are happy. And I would love nothing more than for you to be with me all the time, but sometimes everything we want just isn’t possible.” Needing her to really hear me, I cupped her beautiful face in the palms of my hands and looked into her simmering eyes. “I’m always here for you little one, I love you, Embry.”

“You l-love me?” she hiccupped between sobs.

“Of course I do, you're my Angel. Always will be.”

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