Page 55 of Entwined Souls

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True to his word, he actually let me sleep this time. I’d take it, as the man was insatiable, and I wasn’t sure it would happen very often. Not that I wanted it to.


As my girl slept peacefully in my arms, I laid awake with the feel of her smooth skin next to mine, soaking in the warmth our bodies created and thought about all the ways she’d changed my life.

I had accomplished everything I really set out to do for myself. From joining the military, being the best Marine I could be, helping my sister through school and life, buying an awesome house, getting out of the military, and starting a kickass business. I had believed I was content. But then Jurnee walked into my world and I realized there was more out there to make me happy.

She completed me.

And with her, I got even more than I could have hoped for. This amazing woman brought Embry into my circle too, and even though when I bought my home I’d done it thinking about a family of my own someday, I still didn’t have a clue how much I truly longed for it. Until I realized they would be the ones here with me.

Slowly coming awake, with a soft womanly form half on top of mine, I realized I had drifted off to sleep too and now got to wake up the best possible way. To my very sexy, soon to be wife draped over me.

Damn life is good.

Looking over at the clock on the black wooden nightstand, I realized we had slept for three hours and didn’t have much time to get ready before our company started showing up really soon.

Running my fingers up and down her beautiful spine, I lightly whispered in her ear, “Hey Dimples, time to wake up.” All I got was a soft snore in return. My girl was out. Knowing she had an eventful day and time lately, I wished I could let her sleep, but that wasn’t possible right now. She was already struggling, having been through the whole week not telling the girls about what was happening, so I knew she needed to now.

I tried again. “Babe, it’s almost time for everyone to be here.”

She popped up with a jolt like her ass was on fire. “Calm down, we still have a little time, but we slept longer than we planned.”

“Brax, why did we sleep so long? I still have to shower and get stuff ready.” With her hands pressed against my chest, her body raised off my stomach, she looked me straight in the eye. “And I mean shower alone, or wewillbe late.”

“Aww babe, now you're talking all the fun out of getting ready.” I pulled her down on me, her body dropping back to mine. Peering into her eyes I asked, “Are you ready for this?”

Man, I loved her response.

“With you, I’m ready for anything. And everything.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven


It was a weekday,but everyone was great and willing to come by since we’d asked. After sleeping too long, we rushed to take showers and Braxton had already headed downstairs in case our friends started showing up. It was a pizza, wine, and beer kind of night. Easy to order and fast to clean up, so that’s what we were doing.

I knew I was stalling while getting ready. My damn nerves seemed to be getting the best of me over the past few days. But who could blame me when there’d been some seriously crazy changes happening? From being around Braxton again, to getting shot and having to get healed up from that. Then falling in love, being harassed by Embry’s dad on more than one occasion, deciding to get married, and trying to adopt our sweet girl.

Wow, there was a time I used to claim the little angel as mine, but I just realized how right it felt to sayoursweet girl, and know it was the truth. Somehow, this had to work so we could bring her home.

My heart fluttered at the thought of the three of us together in our home. I had been daydreaming about what that would be like when Brax walked in and startled me.

“Everyone is downstairs babe, you coming?” I had been standing outside on the balcony again, one of my favorite places to just think, when Brax approached behind me and spoke, startling me into jumping a little.

“I’m sorry for scaring you, everything okay?”

I turned around so I could see him. “Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking, and I’m worried about what they will all say.” I bit down on my bottom lip hard enough, I had almost drawn blood. It was a habit of mine when my nerves got rattled. “They just mean a lot to me, and you. I want them to be happy for us, not worried, or disagree with our choices.”

Coming up and placing his hands and my shoulders he kissed the tip of my nose. He was always doing sweet things like that. One minute he was the Beast and the next he was Prince Charming. I had it made.

“It’s going to be okay, you trust me, right?”

I nodded. “Of course I do, Brax.”

“Good, then let’s go tell our friends it’s time to plan a wedding and that they are about to gain a niece.”

My face split into the biggest smile. This man was something else. Wrapping my arms around him, I squeezed him tight before releasing him. Then I grabbed one hand and said, “Let’s do this.”
