Page 56 of Entwined Souls

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“I got you, babe,” he said.

“Ditto.” Together we could do anything.

Everyone was in the living room watching us as we descended the stairs. Hands clasped together in unity we approached the group. I wasn’t sure how this was going to go, but it didn’t happen at all like I’d thought it was going to. There had been no sugarcoating it, Braxton dropped the ball and let it fly all at once.

“We’re getting married!” he announced loudly.

All the faces in the room, my girls included, went stone still; everyone was clearly in shock. Each wore a slightly different expression, but it was rather amusing to see, and I sooo wished I had videoed the moment. Looking back at it over time would have been crazy fun.

Then, before I could blink, the room erupted in chaos.

I wasn’t sure who was asking or saying what, but even to their surprise what I did catch, was that they all seemed extremely happy for us.

My frantic heart settled.

Next thing I knew I was ripped away from Brax and thrown into the middle of another bestie sandwich, one of my favorite places to be.Right up there with being thrown over Braxton’s shoulder, staring at his delicious behind.There was some screeching in my ear, some jumping up and down—I was pretty much being squeezed to death.I’d take this any day of the week, versus the other way I worried it may go.

Finally, the girls got it all out and let me free. I almost fell backward at their sudden release, but two strong arms caught me around my middle and wrapped around my stomach.Home.That’s where I was in Braxton’s embrace.

“Oh my god, Jurnee, I am so excited for you and can’t believe you’re getting married!” Summer exclaimed, bouncing on her heel-covered feet.The girl does love her shoes.

“We’re going to actually be sisters,” Alley said, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Not that the three of us weren’t already.”

“Thank you, I’m so freaking glad you’re all thrilled for us. I was worried you wouldn’t be since it’s all happening kinda fast.”

“If you’re happy, we are too,” Gyth chimed in as he kinda hobbled up to the group. Kace and Landon followed, and they all shook Brax’s hand before pulling me in for one hug after another. Whatever was going on with some of our friends romantically, I was just glad everyone could get along for our sake, since Braxton and I wanted themallto be part of everything.

“That’s not all the news,” Brax said. All eyes were on him, waiting for wherever he was about to say when all of a sudden the doorbell rang.

“Hold that thought, pizza is here.” When he took off toward the door without another word, everyone groaned.

“He can’t just say something like that and leave us hanging,” Alley complained in the way that only an irritated little sister could.

“Sorry guys, I want him with me when we tell you. Let’s head to the kitchen to get drink refills, some pizza, and then go outside. It’s an exquisite night, so we’ll sit out there and explain it all.” I headed off to the kitchen and they all followed. Brax walked in, a load of pizza in hand, and it smelled divine. I hadn’t even realized I was hungry until that moment.

After grabbing our food and such, we had all gathered on the back deck and were seated in the awesome patio furniture that Braxton had before I moved in. It was a huge set with a couch, loveseat, chairs, and a fire pit table in the center. I loved sitting out here, listening to the water, the frogs, and such. However, at that moment, I was listening to my friend's chatter animatedly, and I loved it just as much

“So, are you guys going to tell us what else is going on or what?” Alley asked impatiently, arms crossed over her chest.

“Go ahead, babe, you tell them this part,” Braxton said, grinning.

I took a deep breath, then exhaled.

Then, I told them all about Embry, her family situation, how they were looking for her dad, and how the state was planning to terminate his parental rights as soon as possible. Tears formed in my eyes and I couldn’t stop them from spilling over. I also told them about my talk with my little angel, and I swear I almost lost it entirely when my besties got teary-eyed too.

Heck, even the guys even looked sad for the little one when I confessed all that she’d been through. Most of them had met her, knew how important she was to me, and therefore would feel for her just as I had. But my friends were an amazing bunch, they would have those feelings for any child they saw who was upset or struggling.

After that, I took another deep breath and explained what we had done earlier in the morning. “Today we went to see Embry’s social worker and spoke with her about adopting my little angel.” I held up a finger, gesturing for them to stay quiet and let me continue. “And before anyone says anything, Brax and I arenotjust getting married for that reason. It may be why it’s sooner, but we want you to know that each thing is being done because we love each other more than words could ever say.” I was an emotional wreck and frantically tried swiping my tears as they streamed down my face. Braxton placed his large hand on my leg, bringing me instant comfort—like always.

Everyone was quiet still, patiently waiting for me to finish after I finally got myself calmed down. “We also got our marriage license t-today”—my voice cracked—so when we said we are getting married, we mean really dang soon.” Looking at Braxton and then back to our friends, I continued, not wanting to waste another second. “We are thinking within a month, right here in our backyard by the water, surrounded by just our friends and my parents. We want you all to be here, and all of you standing beside us. We don’t care about how the norm does it, you'reallspecial to us. We could use the help and would love it if you all say yes.” Holding my breath once again, I waited.

Another explosion of cheers from every single one of our friends who were excited for us, willing to help, letting us know that they wouldn’t miss being there for our big day, and to support us in our journey to make Embry part of our family, rang out through the quiet night.

Later, as we hung out and talked, I noticed that Summer seemed a little off. She was happy for us, said all the right things, but she looked majorly tired. I even noticed Gyth watching her like he was seeing the same thing I was. That concerned me. I would have to ask her what was going on when everyone wasn’t around. I didn’t want to put her on the spot.

After all our friends left, Brax and I crawled into our bed once again exhausted. Curled up next to him, I laid my head on his shoulder, beyond exhausted but content. “How did we get so lucky to have such awesome friends?”

“Not sure, but I’m damn thankful for them.” His lips found the crown of my head. “And for you, baby.”

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