Page 11 of Unlikely Souls

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“You don’t remember?” I asked, but just kept talking. “You were having a nightmare and yelling out about someone named Luke.”

His face paled, then so much grief and sorrow crossed his gorgeous face as he hung his head. I couldn’t stand not being near him a second longer.

The need to comfort him was strong.

Figuring I was safe now that he was awake, I dropped my hand from my chest and walked the small distance to the couch. What I did next, shocked even me. And by the look on his face, it had Gyth too.

I climbed right into his lap.

His head snapped up, and his arms immediately wrapped around me, but not in a harmful way. That spoke volumes, showing me he needed the closeness, as much as I had. But the look in his eyes killed me.

He looked defeated.

I need to help him like he is always helping me.

Placing my cheek against his so my mouth was next to his ear, I whispered, “I’m here for you, it’s going to be okay.”

And then I pulled back a bit and looked at him once more, before resting my head on his shoulder for the second time that night. Cuddling in, I held him close to me as our hearts beat in sync with one another and as his own tears fell silently down his face.

Chapter Six


My head was pounding.

Groaning at the pain radiating through my skull, I couldn’t open my eyes to see what was going on, but I could very much feel it.

Fuck, I was hard as a rock, and someone was laying across my lap. Not just anyone, but Summer. I could smell her beautiful scent, and she was the only woman my body had ever reacted to this way.

Not that I had never been with a woman before, but they were not like Sunshine, and she was so different from anyone I’d ever touched. Just her being near always had my cock standing at attention and my heart hammering.

Then as I began to remember why Summer was wrapped up warm against me, my mood changed very quickly. I couldn’t believe she had witnessed my night terror.

Her heartfelt cries and her soft, sweet voice, musically seeping into my battered-soul as she tried to soothe me, had been what woke me up.

But to say I wasn’t embarrassed was an understatement, and the thought of me having possibly hurt her physically in the midst of the episode not only worried me but made me angry at the same time. Not at her, but the fact I was still having nightmares and someone as beautiful as Summer had to experience it right along with me.

My body tensed and a deep, low growl rumbled up my throat, passing my lips on their own accord at the thought. That must have been what had Summer rousing from her sleep, wiggling and making the cutest little noises as she’d started to stir.

Turning her head toward my face, I froze. Everything about what I’d gone through in front of her in the wee hours of the early morning before the sun even had time to peek its head over the horizon and greet the new year, were forgotten when I spotted the rash spanning out from both sides of her nose, and across both cheeks. It didn’t look good.

I don’t mean she didn’t look good, she would always be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen no matter what she was wearing or when she wasn’t feeling well, and any other time for that matter. But this looked like it hurt, and I didn’t understand what was happening.

“Sunshine,” I softly said to her, trying to wake her up further.

A small moan passed her lips. “Gyth, I don’t feel good.”

My mind was going through a million different scenarios of what could be wrong. Placing my hand on her forehead, I’d discovered she was burning up, and right then I decided I’d had enough of the pussyfooting around with what she’d been keeping locked up as if she’d stashed it in a vault of secrets and thrown away the key. It was time to figure out why she was sick.

“Babe, you are burning up, and you have a rash on your face. I think we need to take you into the hospital.” Not missing a beat or giving her a chance to argue, I swooped her up and stood with her in my arms in one swift motion.

“Put me down, Gyth, I can walk!” she exclaimed loudly, but without much bravado behind her words.

“Sunshine, you may very well can, but you're not going to. Period. You’re not in any shape to argue, and you won’t win.”

Wasn’t happening, so she needed to get used to me taking care of her. No more complaining or argument coming from her mouth, she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head against my shoulder.

That had been a sure sign she wasn’t well. Because lately, Summer loved to squabble about everything it seemed. At least when it had to do with me, and my butting in to look after her.
