Page 15 of Unlikely Souls

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“Don’t have one.” That was all he said, and this time he sounded angry so for now I really left that one alone. But I was curious about something else and decided to ask another question.

“Will you tell me about Luke some time also?” I knew I was asking a lot and was most likely making it that much more difficult for myself not to fall for this man if I got so personal with him. But I wanted to know.

“I will sometime. Sleep well, Sunshine.” And with that he turned back around and continued to clean up.

I decided that bed sounded like a good idea, and Gyth clearly wasn’t going to have a heart to heart right then, so I stood from the wooden kitchen chair and said one last thing before heading out of the kitchen.

“Thanks for dinner and taking care of me today.”

I didn’t wait around to hear his response, I simply walked out as my soft comfy bed screamed my name.

My body was damaged, my mind frazzled, and my heart, well it was working double time not to fall in love.

Chapter Eight


Not quite ready toget up, I shoved my head under my fluffy down pillow and let out a sigh.

It was a good thing I’d had the weekend off, I don’t think I’d have ever made it into work. The meds I was given yesterday may have started to kick in for my fever, but my face felt as though it was being held under a hot flame, and my muscles and joints felt as if I had been lifting enough weights to enter a bodybuilding contest.

After all the ups and downs over the last few months, I felt like a freaking yo-yo. It was starting to affect everything in my life.

The events of the last couple of days were invading my mind. If Alley hadn’t been so damn pushy, and Gyth hadn’t insisted he needed to stay with me, I’m not sure what I would have done.

It was actually a blessing he’d been here. And maybe for him too. I’d like to think maybe I had helped him when he was reliving his very traumatic past, caught up in a severe nightmare. But now I had to get up and face the sexy beast once again, and the truth was, I didn’t know how to act.

My moods have swung like a damn pendulum since my seizure, especially with Gyth. Before that, it had been easy between us. We may not have been a couple, he may have held back even more than me, but I had changed dramatically.

And probably not for the better.

My upbeat, happy personality that everyone was used to had diminished. The light in me burned out like a flame that had been extinguished. I prayed someday I would be the light, fun, and joyful person I’d once been.

Will I ever get back to the old me?

With a long, tough road most likely in store, I needed to confide in the ones I loved and be able to ask for help when needed, as well as understand I may have limits. It was important to make changes that would help me battle what would always be part of me now.

I still needed to see the specialist for an official diagnosis, but I was ninety-nine percent sure of what it would say—especially after my conversation with Dr. Hamilton yesterday. But that was something I would deal with after my appointment. Right then, getting my ass out of bed was step one of the day.

One day at a time. One step at a time.

So I extricated myself from my pillow, my pile of blankets that I’d drowned myself in last night before drifting off to sleep, and I drug myself out of bed. And with one foot in front of the other, I walked out of my room and padded down the hall toward the bathroom.

First up, find a way to cover this rash before I see Gyth looking this way again, or Alley comes home and sees it at all.

As I approached, I noticed the door slightly ajar, just enough to see Gyth standing in front of the slightly steamed-up mirror, looking like a model for some masculine body wash commercial. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Lord have mercy.

My feet wouldn’t move, they were stuck to the spot I was standing in, and my eyes were glued to something I’d never seen in all my twenty-four years.

Gyth was freshly out of the shower, and the only thing he had on was a white cotton towel that hung low on his hips showcasing his happy trail that reflected off the mirror and straight into my eyes. The muscles in his shoulders, back, and arms were a thing of beauty. Fanning myself I stood there ogling the man in secret.

The water that was pebbling in small droplets all over his tanned skin, had me licking my lips and dying to use them on his body. And the arrangement of tattoos on his back, arms, and chest were undeniably one of the most enticing things I had ever laid eyes on.

People may have assumed that because of my upbringing that what I would be attracted to would be your upper class, suit and tie kind of guy, but they would be dead wrong.

What I was seeing right before my eyes was it. Maybe it was hard to comprehend that I’d never looked at any man undressed at my age, but it was the truth, and my reasons for doing so were mine.
