Page 31 of Unlikely Souls

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I knew Gyth had seen me during one of my worst days and appearances, but I wanted to freshen up just for him. Halfway to my room, he called out my name, and as I turned, he’d made his way to me. Just mere inches apart, I breathed in his scent and sighed. The crazy man just smirked at me, giving me an all-knowing look.

“You trying to hide from me, Sunshine?”

He knew I wasn’t, he just liked teasing me. “Just going to change, smartass,” I fired back at him.

His eyes softened then, as his hand came up and patted my hair. “I like this little thing you got going on, it’s cute.”

And he called us weird earlier.

Then sliding his hand down my shoulder and grabbing my hand that was at my side, he pulled me a little closer to him and my other palm went to his chest. As soon as it made contact, Gyth sucked in a breath.

Interesting, it seems I have a pretty good effect on him too.

Then he gained his composure, and whispered, “Take a walk with me, beautiful?” He searched my face, waiting for an answer and I swear he was holding his breath.

“Okay,” I whispered back. One word from me and all his air left his lungs as though he was relieved, confirming what I’d thought seconds before.

He then released my hand, and I dropped mine from his chest. “Let me change and I will meet you out front.” I turned to make my way to my room.

Just as I approached my door, Gyth said, “Don’t make me wait too long, Sunshine.” Then he disappeared back the other way. But I took an extra ten minutes before heading outside, not wanting to look too eager.

By the time I had, Braxton had already taken Jurnee and Embry home. The girls had popped into my room to say goodbye a bit before, so Alley was the only one in the house.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” I said as I passed where she sat on the couch watching Scooby-Doo. Guess you are never too old for cartoons, and she loved the goofy dog.

“Get it girl!” she shouted.

“I’m going for a walk, not to get laid, you nut job,” I told her.

“Well damn, but it won’t be long before you do. Have fun.” She turned her focus back on the television.

The girl was crazy. I didn’t reply, just headed out the door, into the bright light, and to the gorgeous man standing on the porch waiting for me.


Fuck me running, my woman is beautiful.

Every time I saw Summer, she stole the oxygen from my lungs. It didn’t matter that I’d just been face to face with her in the hall a short time ago, when she walked out of the house onto the porch it was as if I was seeing her for the first time all over again.

As she moved closer, wearing a warm smile on her face that could light up the world, and a happy twinkle in her eyes that sparkled as the sun hit them shining brighter than any diamond, I seriously almost swallowed my tongue.

“Sunshine, you sure know how to render a man speechless.”

“Oh baloney,” she said. Doing a one-eighty, she walked away from me toward the stairs that went to the walkway in front of the house.

Running to catch up with her, I strolled right up beside her and snatched her hand in mine. She froze, coming to an abrupt stop, and looked down at our joined hands.

“The date may not be until next weekend, but I want to hold your hand.”

“Fine,” she said, “let’s walk to the park.” Keeping her soft hand in mine, she started walking once again.

We talked here and there, enjoyed the peacefulness of being outside without having to fill every second with chatter, and before long we ended up back at her place. And although I didn’t want our time to end, I also knew she was still tired and had work, as well as, her follow-up with the specialist tomorrow afternoon.

She needed to rest, but before I left I wanted to talk with her about her appointment.

“I want to meet you at the doctor's office tomorrow. And before you say anything, I know you didn’t ask, but I’m asking you to let me. Is that okay?”

We had stopped on the walkway, just below the stairs leading up to the house. I’d turned to her as I spoke, my hand still holding her delicate one. The sun was shining, giving off a little heat, but the January air was still cool.
