Page 51 of Unlikely Souls

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I handed the little guy back to his mama and stood back so each person could take a peek.

“Looks like this little guy, just like Embry, already has his parents wrapped around his finger,” Kace commented.

Everyone had a good laugh at that.

Braxton pointed his finger at all of us and said, “Just you all wait until it’s your turn. You will be the same way when you have a baby.”

But everyone didn’t laugh this time.

As the rest of us let out a chuckle, there were three faces I noticed that looked anything but happy. Three sets of eyes that looked completely full of sorrow. And three people I cared about that I immediately wanted to fix and help mend their hearts that were so obviously broken.

Looking around the room, all eyes were on the Harts all squeezed in the hospital bed together somehow. Mine had taken in the expression on Kace, Landon, and Alley’s faces when Braxton made his comment about when it was their turn to have a baby.

What in the hell was that about?

A bad feeling settled in my gut. I may not know exactly why each of them looked as they had, but I was sure the answers were horrific.

The mood in the room changed quickly when Embry jumped off the bed, bouncing on her toes excitedly, and asked her parents if she could finally spill the beans.

When her parents said yes, she squealed.

“Finally, secrets are hard to keep,” she said, letting out a dramatic sigh. The girl was an actress already, I swear.

Then, she blurted, “I got to help pick it and my brother’s name is Hudson Oliver Hart. Isn’t it awesome?”

We all spoke at once, so overjoyed to finally know his name, and the way Embry so proudly told us all was adorable.

The little angel wasn’t done yet because once she got on a roll, she ran with it.

“I heard my mama saying bad words when my baby got stuck and lost his body. So now she owes me lots of money for my jar. But then his body came out so she stopped yelling.” She turned to look at Jurnee. “Right?”

“Yes, baby, Mommy will have to pay up,” Jurnee said, attempting to hold back the laughter I could see was about to spill-free.

“Well damn, looks like us guys are not the only bad influences then,” Gyth said.

“Uncle Gyth, you owe me money too,” Embry told him very seriously.

“Well shi-shucks, I guess I do”

I couldn’t help it, I giggled at his attempt to change his words mid-sentence. As I did, his eyes met mine, and the look he gave me was full of sweet sin.

Damn him, how did he make me feel like a girl with her first crush and a sexy woman ready to make love with just one glance. I had to look away quickly or we may both have just embarrassed ourselves in front of everyone.

Jurnee’s parents took their turns holding and snuggling their new grandson. The Hart kids sure did get lucky with them as grandparents. They would love them just as they had Jurnee, which was a whole lot.

Gemma stepped up and took her turn holding baby Hudson, and I was stunned at just eighteen how comfortable she was with him. She was so mature for her age and wanting to be a teacher seemed to fit when you watched her with Embry and now the baby.

Someday she would make an exceptional mother, just as Jurnee was going to.

When Hudson landed in my brother’s arms, and he smiled down at the baby, I couldn’t miss the sound of all the air leaving Alley’s lungs. It was as if a balloon deflated in a rush right next to me.

“I’m going to run to get a bottle of water, does anyone need anything?” she asked as she quickly headed toward the door, Landon’s eyes watching her the whole way. Nobody said they wanted anything, so she scurried out into the hall.

It was hard to watch her go and not run after her when she may need me, but I knew she wouldn’t want to talk about it now and neither of us would want Jurnee getting upset either. I knew how shitty it felt to ruin a happy moment.

The baby was passed around like a mini football, before landing a touchdown right back in his mother’s arms.

But it was when Gyth’s huge arms wrapped safely, softly, and protectively around Hudson’s small precious body that my heart melted at the sight, and I knew I not only wanted a baby someday, but I hoped it was with Gyth.
