Page 6 of Unlikely Souls

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As I walked out of the room, I heard her sigh loudly, and then her words had me chuckling, but I had got what I wanted.

“That was cruel and you know it, but you can stay. Your sorry ass is sleeping on the couch though.”

Sweet and feisty. Fuck, my girl turns me on.

Chapter Three


What hadI gotten myself into?

I’d lost it, that had to be it. Otherwise, I would have never agreed to let Gyth stay here while Alley was gone.

It had only been a week since he planted that mind-blowing kiss on my lips under the mistletoe on Christmas Eve. Then the impossibly-arrogant man proceeded to agitate me with his alpha, bossy behavior. Furthermore, he had the nerve to make me feel as if I had to let him swoop in here to babysit me by pulling a flipping guilt trip. The weasel squirmed his way in every chance he could.

And I fear he may just one day squirm his way into my heart.

I needed to make sure I held strong against the pull he had on me. One that had been there since the first time our eyes locked the night we’d met at the bar to celebrate Braxton being home from the military, returning stateside for good, and bringing Gyth with him.

My entire world had been thrown off its axis by the damn man ever since.

The temptations he stirred in every sensitive cell of my body, were ones I’d thought at one time I would have given into with Gyth. Until him I had never felt enticed to even contemplate giving myself to a single soul.

Not my body nor my heart.

Then I got sick and everything changed.

Now, there was no way I was dragging someone not only into my family drama, but a life full of sickness, weakness, and too many unknowns. That was not what anyone needed, and not what they should sign up for.

Especially Gyth. He is too good of a guy to deal with my drama.

Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I revolted as nausea mixed with heart-wrenching sadness swept through my belly and pushed its way up into my throat.

This is not the fairytale I always pictured.

Feeling like the ugly stepsister, I began cleaning up the house before my unwanted guest arrived. Dressed in my old, tattered sweats and t-shirt I wore around the house when doing chores, I looked the part too.

From riches to rags I go, instead of the other way around.

Compared to my two besties, I definitely looked worse for wear lately thanks to the not-so-joyful contributions from being ill and tired all the time.

Unlike me, Jurnee was glowing with marital bliss, her pregnancy, and her sweet little angel of a daughter, while Alley was thriving in her book world. Hell, Alley even let me help her pick out some clothes for her author function this weekend that weren’t black, shirts with characters on them, or obscene sayings plastered across the front.

I laughed out loud because I could clearly picture her pulling at her clothes, itching to get out of them, and silently cursing me the whole time for talking her into wearing them. But the laughter was good for my soul right then. That girl and her style were a hundred percent authentic and I loved it, along with her, but it was also fun to see her dressed up so unlike herself because the girl was damn beautiful and didn’t even know it.

Both my besties were gorgeous, amazing women. I wished Alley would find love, much like Jurnee had, but she hadn’t gone out in years with anyone that we were aware of. She’d claimed she was too busy building her career and writing stories, but Jurnee and I both called hogwash on that crap. It had something to do with my brother Landon, we both knew it, but her lips were sealed when that subject came up. Someday, I hoped she would move forward and find someone just as Jurnee had.

As for me, I think I’m destined to be alone.

At least I had my two best friends though. Meeting Alley, then Jurnee in middle school was two of the greatest moments of my life. We were soul sisters to the end.

Needing to get out of my head, I cranked up the radio that had my favorite 80’s music blaring through the speakers, grabbed the vacuum, and with a burst of energy I had not been feeling lately, I shook my hips and booty to the beat as I belted out, ‘I Love Rock and Roll’ by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.

I hadn’t heard anyone ring the doorbell or knock, so when I turned slightly and caught a glimpse of the extremely masculine man standing by the door, leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his massive chest with a smirk on his neatly trimmed, beard-covered, almost annoyingly gorgeous face, I practically jumped straight up to the ceiling.

Damn him. I am gonna tear him a new one.

“What the heck, Gyth? You don’t just enter someone’s house without permission and you certainly don’t sneak up on someone!” I screamed over the top of the music still thumping away.
