Page 61 of Unlikely Souls

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“Now let’s talk about the whole Mr. Panty Melter thing,” he told me with a lopsided smirk.

Pulling out of his embrace, I took off like a shot toward the bedroom.

“You will answer me, Sunshine.” The sounds of his feet stomping behind me as he gave chase echoed through the house, and Ash barked excitedly like we were playing a game.

If it was a game, I seemed to be winning every time.

Chapter Thirty-Two


Damn,being in love with Summer felt fucking amazing.

But being loved by her was even better.

Chapter Thirty-Three


This felt different but good.Really great actually.

My ass was parked in Gyth’s lap, the slight bulge under his jeans, a tell-all to how he felt about me being in just that spot, had me wiggling a bit from the friction our bodies created and my damn panties needing to be changed once again.

But what seemed so surreal was that it was happening in front of our family and friends. Now don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a full-out display of something naughty. For all their sake and little Embry’s, the sexual tension zipping through us both was under wraps, but our relationship status was not.

When anyone looked at us now, it was clear as day that Gyth and I were a couple.

Two weeks after baby Hudson was born and Gyth and I had solidified where we stood with one another, everyone was having a dinner celebration to welcome the newest member of our family. Because that is what we all were. It didn’t matter if we were blood-related, family is what you made it. We were close and would do anything for each other.

Trying to get my squirming under control, I scanned the room full of happy and proud faces, as everyone mingled and took turns holding Hudson and playing with Embry. It was crazy to think of all the changes that had happened in just a short time.

Then my eyes took my brother in.

Oh, he went through the motions, was cheerful for his friends, but when nobody was looking, the stress and the sadness covered him like a weighted blanket, making my heart lurch in my chest. I longed for him to find his way to happiness like I had.

My eyes left Landon and looked across the room to Alley, who like me, was watching my brother. She may be hurting from whatever it was in their past that broke their friendship or even more, although that was a secret that seemed to have been locked away and the key buried deep in its pit of sorrow, but she still cared. Her look, much like mine, told me she wanted him to be happy as well.

I had a feeling only Alley herself could make that happen for him.

She turned and as she looked at me, a mask fell over her face, wiping away what I had just seen and covering her true feelings. And because she liked to take any attention away from herself, my girl playfully threw Jurnee or me under the bus to change the mood. When she took me and Gyth in, a gleam in her eyes that spoke of something to come, I knew I was in trouble.

Before I could move out of her line of fire, she glanced around the room quickly. I am guessing to see who was in earshot and let loose in true Alley fashion.

“Looks like you and I need to hit up Victoria’s Secret and buy you a big stash of panties, don’t you think?” she sing-songed to me in a teasing tone. And just like that she deflected everything away from herself.

Now I was in the hot seat.

Well it is true, the seat I am in is indeed making me hot. Have to be honest about that. I have Gyth to thank for that.

All eyes around us all turned at her words and my face flamed red and hot with mortification. It was bad enough I had to carry extras all the time because of the man who was now chuckling with amusement, his fingers tightening on my hip— to stop me from bolting.

My exhausted friend, Jurnee, just made matters worse for me and the room exploded in laughter when she asked, “Wait, why does she need so many pairs of panties? The girl has a million already.”

Thank the heavens above that Kace was gone right then playing hide-and-go-seek with Embry because that man was as bad or worse than Alley, so at least I was spared his input. Jurnee’s parents had walked in the kitchen with their new grandson, so they were not present either. And the fact that the others from Hopeful Jurnee that had stopped by had already left was a blessing as well. My brother’s face, though, looked almost horrified at the banter, while Gemma was in a fit of giggles, holding her sides, and Braxton was amused as hell.

As for my guy, I think he was gloating at the fact that this was all his doing.

Then Braxton leaned into his wife to answer her question. The look on his face was so full of admiration and love, just as I had seen at the hospital when she delivered their son, or every time he watched her with their daughter. He also looked amused, but knowing she was so tired, he graciously helped her out.
