Page 62 of Unlikely Souls

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“Babe, I think what is happening here is your friend there”—Braxton had the nerve to point right at me with a wicked smile on his face—“is really into her man and he does a number on her undies, one way or another… so she needs more.”

You would think he could have at least told her quietly, but hell no. This group liked to harass one another extra loudly it seemed. Hell, I know I had done it, but damn it, I didn’t want my turn. I wasn’t sure if I was pouting or laughing though when Jurnee’s eyes went wide at hearing her husband lay it out for her and then she lost it. She was laughing so hard, it was difficult not to join in, so when I started cracking up too, my butt jiggling up and down on Gyth, he let out a low growl.

“Looks like Summer isn’t the only one needing a stash. Gyth may need a pile of boxers!” Kace shouted as he popped up from behind a chair that was in the far corner of the room, scaring the shit out of all of us.

Jesus Lord, I hadn’t even seen him there.

“What the fu—” Gyth started, but stopped upon realizing what he was about to say. Much to Embry’s disappointment, he was trying not to lose so much money, but more than that, it was obvious he was trying to clean up his mouth around her and her brother. “What the heck are you doing back there?” he asked Kace.

“Dude, I was hiding like I was supposed to, but you all are too much. I couldn’t help myself after Gyth was practically gonna spill his load right in front of everyone.”

Could this get any worse? Well yep, turns out it very well could.

Just then a little bitty princess walked in and looked at her Uncle Kace and asked, “What is Uncle Gyth going to spill? Mommy is too tired to clean up after everyone.”

The look on Kace’s face then was hilarious and it was awesome to see him struggle for a moment, grasping at how to answer her. Braxton shot Kace a look that said,I am gonna save your ass because it's my daughterand then told Embry nobody would spill anything, and how about they go check on her brother. Embry, all about her baby brother, took her dad's hand and followed him out of the room.

“You are always full of mischief,” I told Alley. She just shrugged her shoulders, gave a little laugh, and said she was going to get something to drink. Gemma and Jurnee yelled, “Me too!” before following her out, leaving just Kace and Landon with Gyth and me.

Looking at my brother, he put up his hand and said, “I am out. I don’t need to hear any more about my baby sister’s you know and why she needs more,” he sputtered, not directly saying panties on purpose and left the room too.

Kace, the asshole, although a seriously funny ass, said, “Well, now I know what to get you both for Christmas this year.”

Another growl erupted from Gyth’s throat, low and deep. “You even try to buy my wife lingerie for Christmas, and I will end you.”

“You can try, old man,” Kace smack talked back and left toward the kitchen too, chuckling the whole way.

Twisting more on Gyth’s lap so I could face him, I just stared at him with eyes as big as saucers. Then I mumbled what I was in shock about.

“You said, wife.”

Gyth smirked at me, then gave me a wink. “Yeah, by then you will be.”

Mouth dropping open in shock, Gyth planted his across mine and settled in for a mind-blowing kiss that could have knocked not only my socks off, but my panties too.

Good thing I was supposedly going shopping for a big stash soon.

Then as the kiss powered on, my heart blissfully in love, I thought that being Gyth’s wife sounded pretty damn amazing.

I got lost in his lips on mine, as our tongues dueled with one another’s, and images fluttered through my head of the future. Gyth broke the kiss, our breathing was rapid from the passion, left me sitting there in a daze for a moment.

“Don’t look so confused, Sunshine, you will know it when I ask and then you can accept,” he said with a confident smile.

My guy was one cocky man. But he was hot as shit when he was, not an ass, and it was a damn turn-on. Even then I needed to mess with him.

“And just how is it that you know I will say yes?” I questioned a little flippantly.

Giving me a knowing smile, he replied, “Same way I know I am asking. My heart belongs to you and always will. My heart knew it from the start, but the day you got sick… and don’t you read into that wrong,” he warned. “That’s the day my brain caught up and told me that no matter how many days either of us had on this earth, mine were meant to be spent with you.”

Tears spilled down my cheeks at the most beautiful words that had ever been spoken to me and I wrapped my arms around his neck, brought him back closer to me again, and whispered to him, “Then whenever that day is, I’ll say yes.”

No holding back, sick or not, this man was mine.

“Perfect, because I wasn’t letting you say no. You are mine, Sunshine, and one day you will be Mrs. Elliott, mark my words.” Gyth smiled and then devoured my mouth again.

Mrs. Elliott, it sounds like music to my ears.

Then I heard small feet pounding on the hardwood floor and an “Eww.”
